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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. Yup, that's my main concern with Cali...that and I don't know if I would like the congestion. I lived in Atlanta for 7 years and that was way too congested for my liking. I'm only considering Cali b/c I have a few friends out there and the riding is great.
  2. I might be going out of town but if not, I'd probably be down for going out. I don't think I've ever gone out drinking with anybody on the board. (Aaron, you passing out on my couch doesn't count:grin:)
  3. ...out of state possibly. To make a short story even shorter there isn't shit for jobs in Columbus for somebody with a physics degree. If I don't find something in the next couple months I'll probably end up moving out of state. I'm thinking Virgina/DC area, Colorado (probably Denver) or the Left Coast... I'm looking for a places with nice roads and decent weather for riding so I can start looking for a job there. Any suggestions? Opinions on what I've listed?
  4. +1 Especially if this is a street bike. As far as I know, there isn't a cheap solution like the one posted for Honda...
  5. wolfman

    Did you vote?

    I live in the sticks so my wait was pretty short. I didn't notice where Obama/McCain were at on my ballot? Makes sense they would separate them to help prevent people from screwing up.
  6. Damn! Sorry to hear you went down and I'm glad it wasn't more serious.. Where should I send the donation to buy you some boots?
  7. Bridgestones FTW!! I like Aarons suggestion to go with bt016....triple compound will give you lots of life in the middle and plenty of grip on the edges! Cheap too!
  8. Um you should go back and read the exchange between me and Todd that started this whole shebang.
  9. Now THIS thread is funny! Yes, I did.
  10. Sorry your thread turned into a political/flame Nick thread.
  11. Whatever man, you are the one that came on this thread and started talking trash about Nick....this thread was posted b/c of a genuine concern about him. If you want to flame Nick, why don't you go start your own thread in the flame forum?
  12. I really don't give a shit what is or has gone on between you and Nick...and I really doubt if anyone else does either on this board. I don't think its right for anybody on this board to be talking shit about other members. If you guys don't like each other please keep it private and off this board. FYI, I don't know Nicks phone number and I'm not going to call him to come out and play.
  13. There are several of us on this board that have actually met Nick in person and ridden with him and like him...me included. I think you are taking this "internet enemies" thing a little too far....same with the "internet friends."
  14. Oh, gotcha. I went to high school in that area...just wondering.
  15. OKAY! You convinced me! :grin:
  16. I sent you one now, too... now if everybody follows suit..
  17. These are my sentiments exactly! Well, at least the part about whether to vote at all, vote my conscious, or vote McCain to offset Obama..
  18. I think that is going to be my next suit...I've heard a lot of good things about them and the price is right. How does the sizing run on them? My A* was US38 and fit me perfect but I think I need a little bit larger in the chest to fit a back/chest protector...
  19. That'd be me. I still haven't decided if its better to vote for one of them, none of them or not at all. In the end, it probably doesn't matter. I don't see either candidate taking this country in the right direction (I hope I'm wrong!)..
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