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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. It would be funny to see Hinds get on here and try to defend a rats nest in your bike.
  2. Thanks for that tidbit. I've saved all my receipts anyways...so hopefully there won't be any issues.
  3. Yup, I've been riding the g/f's EX500 and I actually have a KZ400 in pieces at my parents house. I'm probably going to be in the market for another 07/08 600rr. Claim has been filed. Now I'm just waiting to hear from the adjuster...hopefully they don't try to completely low ball me since mine had a salvage/rebuilt title.
  4. Well hopefully Zerocrash can help me out... for not writing it down when I bought it. I definitely will have some sort of GPS tracking/Lo Jack on the next bike and make sure to write down all serial numbers and maybe mark key parts so I will recognize them.
  5. Seems weird to welcome somebody who joined the forum a year before me but... :welcome:anyways!
  6. Thanks for all the help people...it means a lot that you are spending your own time keeping an eye out for my bike. At this point, I'm guessing the bike is in pieces and being sold...now I'm just hoping I have a chance at catching the thieves. Does anybody know if the dealers can look up the engine I.D. number if I provide the VIN? I'd like to start checking some of these motors I see on eBay.
  7. Are you a real life ninja?
  8. In high school, I used to drive around town in my jeep and me and my buddies would throw water balloons at people. One time I threw one right through an oncoming cars window and nailed the driver (a kid a few years older than me). He eventually got me back with a bucket full of water while I was stopped at a traffic light....car chase through town ensued. Oh PS...cops don't like you tossing water balloons at moving cars or from moving cars.
  9. Oh and at least your story is somewhat cool...I broke my thumb bowling.
  10. Man, I'm sorry to hear this. I broke my thumb several months ago and its still not up to full strength. It stinks because I can't cover the front brake like I'm used to. My advice is take your time healing up and don't try to rush things. I think I tried to get back to using my thumb too quickly and thats why its still bothering me.
  11. No maintenance until you plow a deer b/c they never hear you coming.
  12. Excellent...I've been looking for a ride up there...thanks for the offer.
  13. Thanks redbarron...I'm enjoying all these jokes. Especially adding Fusion, Fonzie and Satan in the last one..
  14. No problem here! I'm all about killing zombies...and ground hogs.
  15. Yada Yada...all I heard was "excellent for killing zombies."
  16. I'm sure that some don't pay property taxes but like you said, it had nothing to do with being Amish. The Amish don't have traditional churches...they attend church services every other Sunday at a members house. Members take turns hosting church services. As far as sales tax, nobody pays food tax in Ohio...so most of what you would be selling at a grocery store is exempt from sales tax to all Ohio residents. There are also sales tax exemptions for supplies used for farming which is available to all Ohio farmers...not just the Amish.
  17. The Amish do not live tax free. Self-employed Amish are exempt from Social Security taxes and thats it. They pay income, property, and sales taxes.
  18. I'd be all over this if my bike wasn't stolen...I've been wanting a nice rifle for a while.
  19. Walk it off. J/k ahhh that is nasty
  20. Wow...some people are incredibly dumb. Yesterday, I saw a guy riding with his kid who was wearing one of those dumb German Nazi style motorcycle helmets. It must have been DOT approved but I can't imagine putting a kid in anything less than a full face helmet. Of course, the father didn't have a helmet on.
  21. +1 That leg wound is looking pretty nasty.. Nice documentary of the crash...I like the video with Inya just sitting with his helmet on while they patch up his leg.
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