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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I know it hasn't changed, and I know the "rules" have been around since 2001. It was flawed from the start. I also understand that its just part of a bigger problem. However, this is a "motorcycle related" Forum (just like the AMA is a motorcycle related organization), so focusing on the part that affects the motorcycling community makes sense here. Obviously, you're in health care. I guess maybe it has broader effect on you personally. For me, denying me benefits based solely on the fact that I was hurt in a legal recreational activity is important. Don't get me wrong, I'd be just as pissed if they denied benefits based on a pre-existing condition. I just thought it made sense to bring it up from a "motorcycling" perspective.
  2. Patience is a virtue, grass hoppa.... Sorry you had to go gay to get what you wanted....
  3. Yes, HIPAA has been around since 1996. If you read the act closely, the pre-existing condition isn't the problem. Its the participation in a legal recreational activity. I understand that an insurance company can deny a claim for any reason, and often times they do. Several years ago my daughter broke her arm. The insurance company covered the ER visit, the ER Doctor, the emergency surgery to place two pins in her arm, but denied the claim to remove the cast, the pins, as well as the follow up visits to the Orthopaedic Surgeon. Why? They didn't think THAT part of it was necessary. Insurance companies run under their own set of rules anyway. Why not close some of the loopholes?
  4. If you ride a motorcycle, race a motorcycle, ski, snowboard, snowmobile, or take part in any recreational activity, you really need to read this. If you're not familiar with HIPAA, it basically prohibits employers from denying health care coverage based on pre-existing conditions, or participation in legal activities, like motorcycling. Nice idea, right? Wrong! When the Department of Health and Human Services released the rules that would govern the act, they recognized that while employers couldn't deny health care coverage based on participation in a legal activity, they could deny paying any benefits. That means that even though you may have paid for insurance, get hurt riding, and payment for your injuries could be denied. There is currently a bill in Congress (H.R. 1076, "The HIPAA Recreational Injury Technical Correction Act")to fix this problem. Everyone that rides should write their congressman (or congress person) and tell them to support this legislation. Fortunately, the AMA has set up their Rapid Response Section to make it easy to send a letter, email, etc, http://www.amadirectlink.com/legisltn/rapidresponse.asp Thanks!
  5. Let me know how things go. I might be interested in the bodywork, and the 520 Chain and gearing. What else ya got?
  6. That would be a nice set up for someone.... Ok, almost anyone. If you want to part out "some" of the spares, let me know....
  7. Come on, grow a set and buy one of the KWS 1000's. I doubt that you'd find a better prepped or cared for package. I know Kevin personally, and had a lot of dealings with him when I was at MPH, and his stuff is first class all the way. BTW, how much for the spares package by itself (from the other thread??) - I don't feel like re-reading that book you wrote over there.
  8. Holy F@CK! Does this guy ever WORK during work hours, or does he spend his whole day obsessing with Lizard and his family. You know, B and I have had our differences (on other forums), and we've said some pretty shitty things about each other to each other, but this shit takes the cake. :roll:
  9. I know that I'm just as slow on a bike with a built motor as I am on one with a stock motor 07 750? Haven't heard of anything lately. Are you looking for something already built, or what?
  10. Eh....that sucks, man. Sorry to hear that. What did the dude do to pop the motor? That being said, I've seen more than a few guys pop built motors. They forget that the require a little more "care and feeding" than most. Glad you wound up ok though....
  11. yo Chris.... Finally realized who you are. What happened to the 900RR??
  12. I dunno.... The WERA Board used to have "The Dungeon", but things got so out of hand they ended up removing it. I really think you need to leave it the way it is, and if things get too personal deal with it at that time, on a case by case basis. Most of these boards (LocalRiders is a good example) get wayyyyy f@cked up when too many people can ban users, and move, kill or close threads. You've started and maintain a "public forum", and I think thats great. Unfortunately, not everyone can behave, and unless you want to keep it as "your sandbox" stupid shitz gonna come up from time to time.
  13. Wow..... Why don't ya tell us how you REALLY feel B???? Don't worry, I'm with ya on this one...
  14. OOOH! OOOOHH!!! Does everyone get to vote? Cuz if it makes any difference, I'm voting for the dull spoon.....
  15. Note to self.... "Do NOT fuck with Flounder...." Imma hang out, and watch the rest of the show...
  16. Nevermind.... My GF told me you have to be born with it....
  17. I keep getting those emails.....
  18. Already got it. Obviously the magic number was 30. How long till I get "Large Member"???
  19. This one is my all time favorite.... A pic of his kids sandwiched in between half naked broads.... http://thebikerspot.com/witttom What a
  20. Only one more? I'm not buying that...
  21. Maybe you're just suddenly "popular"??? Eh....probably not.
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