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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Till I get that fuggin "newb" title off my profile??
  2. you mean "Tommy"?? www.myspace.com/witttom Oddly enough, earlier today, it wasn't a "private" profile....LMMFAO
  3. Aint that the truth..........
  4. I've looked around at myspace - its f@ckin funny to see who's there, and who isn't. Most of the people over 30 do seem VERY creepy, especially when you look at who their "friends" are. While we're on the subject, google some selected "user names" from this or any other BBS - really crazy what ya come up with sometimes!:roll:
  5. Nahhhh.... Dennis Kucinich was no where around....
  6. I saw the exact same thing happen "live" when I worked at MPH. One damp Saturday morning, a kid picked up his CBR600F4i, complete with brand new tires and frame sliders. I told him as he got on the bike to "be careful with the new skins". He told me "this is my SECOND set of tires - I know what I'm doing!". He didn't get 3 feet from the door, and his bike was spinning on its side in the parking lot. His buddy that dropped him off was laughing so hard he couldn't even help him pick the bike up. I didn't say a word....just walked back into the shop, sat down at my desk and laughed like a mental patient for about an hour.
  7. Todd#43


    Eh....just wait till witttom gets rolling over here.... He'll blow you away in no time at all....
  8. Todd#43


    1000 posts isn't enough???
  9. Todd#43


    Yup.....that's the word I'm looking for....
  10. Todd#43


    But mention your name, and you're johnny-on-the-spot...:roll:
  11. Todd#43


    Well that, and he's probably jealous of your "tetris champion" status. I thought for sure he'd have something to say about that "how to tie your bike down" thread. Maybe he's just too busy smokin poles over at the "other" board??
  12. Todd#43


    Thanks.... Witttom is kinda quiet over here.... What's up with that Lizard?
  13. Todd#43


    I know I'm coming into this a little "late" but for chrissakes, give credit where credit is due. I'd like to think that I had a little something to do with him getting banned.... Come on Tom....can't you find another article to cut and paste?
  14. Todd#43


    Nope.... Used to work at MPH, but I had to go back to the "real world" and get a "real job" so my girlfriend wouldn't be "real pissed" Thanks for asking though.... :grin:
  15. Todd#43


    Yeah....I figure I ought to be able to pick one up cheap.... I'd still take the 600 to a track day though, even in street trim...
  16. Todd#43


    I did a Ducati thing back in 2004.....at Imola. Didn't work out so good See...I bet there aren't many people here who have crashed on TWO continents.....
  17. Todd#43


    Nahhhh.... I'm looking for some kid that needs the cash because he wadded up his street bike....
  18. Todd#43


    Ya think? My girlfriend says thats what I look like EVERY morning.... :grin:
  19. Todd#43


    What did you expect? Obviously, the guy's got a LOT of time on his hands.... I think from this point forward, we should refer to him as Norman.....
  20. Todd#43


    Actually, the 05 is gone....traded it for an 04 street bike. I didnt have any time to race last year, so I thought I'd get something I could putt around on. Know anyone that's got a 750 motor they wanna get rid of?
  21. Todd#43


    I'll wait a while before I put one of those cool "look at me" pics in my sig line though. I hate to go through all of that trouble, just to get a "permanent ban" again...
  22. Todd#43


    They did "take me Out" I was banned PERMANENTLY....what a crock of shite. Anyway, I had to come somewhere to hang out, and cause trouble, didn't I???
  23. Todd#43


    Well why the f@ck do you think I'm here? If I know him like I think I do, it'll happen... Hope ya got plenty of popcorn.
  24. Todd#43


    Then I ought to fit right in....
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