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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. From all the herpes packed in your ass
  2. I love it when you call me Big Poppa
  3. engrish, do u speek ut
  4. No one calls me Mike, fail on your part I would but the fear of stepping on you is great.
  5. There arent enough phone books in the world for you to be tall enough to S on my D Secondly, F U.... you dont know me
  6. schmuckingham


    Wanna know why I love you? Cuase on one hand you hate the unwashed masses of CR and then the next second your feeding us.
  7. I leave for lunch and you fucks are basically sucking one another off........
  8. Who let all the day care kids log in to CR today?!
  9. and a CB radio so you can talk to other car beds?
  10. Makes you feel better I went from 195 fighting weight at 6'5'' to 240 in no time! Vagina is a hell of a drug!
  11. Of all the times messing with you and you take me seriously this time:megusta:
  12. So that sex change is working out well for you:gabe:
  13. and again you firmly place your foot in your mouth. He is a sponsor here, pays the website to sell his product which is a HELL of a lot cooler than whatever this is your doing.
  14. yea, tell him how to gain weight you fucking fat ass
  15. Gay episode of Drake and Josh on Nickalodeon *EDIT* I have been with twins, actual female twins and it looked nothing like that picture.
  16. Low IQ will do that to you.
  17. "Oh look at the porr retarded kit, lets talk to him so he feel normal!" "Derpina, WTF kind of guy gets herpes peirced on his face!" "Derpina! LOOK! A gay guy, he will talk to us and never both us or try and get in our pants!:
  18. way to answer a statement with a question
  19. :lolguy: So know I can say YOU DONT KNOW ME!
  20. I feel your pain brotaco
  21. We obviously dont know you nor care to get to know you, I thought that would have been obvious at this point. I type something and you can read it on the internets however you like but until you can prove to me I said in anyway that your car was bought buy your parent ( singular) you will continue to come off as paranoid. And seriously what IS on your face? I am no model but that seriosuly looks bad... like black herpes on each side of your mouth.
  22. I figured you would swoop in for that one
  23. Were did I say that YOUR car was bought by your parents? I was merely making a statement, jeebus your a touchy little kid. Also we dont want to know you, so please stop throwing around the Ricky Lake/Maury "YOU DONT KNOW ME!" statements.
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