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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Ill get a pic of my plate to post up here for the LULZ
  2. How about you just buy my entire cobra intake
  3. aside from that pesky third appendage...... I was just at a lake side bar for week last week and the water looked fine to me as I sweated to death in a button up and dress slacks.
  4. I would rather eat my plastic plate its served on, thanks. I dont have 40K to spend on my wedding either and throwing a few thousand out on Cheryls stuff would not be my first choice but guess what..... Its not my fucking wedding so who cares.
  5. neither, Cheryls stuff is gross
  6. Keep your clothes on you sparkle coated twink
  7. My money is on one of you fuckers has AIDS
  8. Be Alex, break fox and go by a Terminator. To the OP, if you need any help let me know.
  9. Thanks for the reminder not to run into you.
  10. easily knocked over, no covering panels from the elements, cant sleep in it....... bad idea unless its a horse
  11. I was thinking Jeep Cherokee but it will come down to availability. Also I wanted to add that I picked up a roll-able solar mat to charge batteries if the electricity goes out. Car might be in good shape with a lot of gas with keys and a dead battery already have
  12. Late Model Restoration is your friend. Reverse lights is probably down on the trans somewhere, but even new inthe 80 and 90s they never frackin worked right
  13. Scotty, its unfair that you can get SAPI plating and I cannot!
  14. food/water/plan is first on your list for sure. You obviously cant rely on stores because looting is there first thing to happen followed by home invasion. If you have your supplies all in order its time to make sure you weapon is ready and ammo is easy to access. I always gauge munitions on the heavy side and like Scott said most of that weight is easier carried in a vest or hung carrying pack/ leg drop/ vest. Now the hard question, how do you get from were you are to were you want to be. Are the roads clogged? floaded? 4WD available? Is the vehicle reliable? gas availability? Most cases hoofing it is the best idea to keep concealed and quiet but driving also keeps you from tiring yourself out faster and lets you cover distances faster. I honestly plan on walking out of Columbus because If I would see a car I would think they have something to hide and it would be my first target. My largest concern if there is civil unrest is what do you do if the military decides to enact marshal law or keep us quarentined (sp?) to our homes? Obviously you do not want to be caught outside or away from your home but on the same token they will not be able to watch every home/ neighborhood from looters or whatever might be out there.
  15. I have my essentials and now the woman and I are discussing what to do depending upon what the situation is. Since I am gone most of the time what is she supposed to do and how she can react to the situation correctly.
  16. Suicide bombers and suicide dogs.......... Dogs with C4 strapped to it's back.
  17. Love the car, hate the front bumper...... except the giant hole cut in it haha
  19. my god my bleeding orifices have blood oozing out of them after reading a 1/4 of this shit fest
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