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Wheezle last won the day on November 22 2009

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About Wheezle

  • Birthday 03/11/1984

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  1. I've been into cars WAAAAAAY longer than bikes, I didn't really get heavy into bikes until 2002-ish.

    I grew up around cars. My dad drag races, and now so does my brother - they've got a garage full of different tube chassis race cars and a couple of vettes, and I've been going to drag races since I was too young to remember.

    I've also got a hot rod - a '87 Grand National, but I haven't driven it since 2007, big plans to turn it into a legit 10 second street car as soon as my dad has time to take it off my hands and between him, my brother, and my dads race engine builder - make it so.

    Bikes just suit my lifestyle better. I can go 10s and 200mph on a Hayabusa for $10k, or get a Dodge Viper that'll do the same thing for $80k... bikes are for cheapskates like me. Now if I could only ride them comfortably in the rain/winter... they'd be perfect.

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