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Wheezle last won the day on November 22 2009

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About Wheezle

  • Birthday 03/11/1984

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  1. Yea, it was drama - but it was all good-natured (as 99% of the ribbing on here is). It's not like that information wouldn't be discovered later anyway.

    I'm just a little miffed/disappointed that it was such a big deal that it had to be censored, closed, and moved. Have the rules to the site changed? It doesn't say anything about closing threads just because you don't like drama. The rules, as I understand them, no sexism, no racism, no advertising, no threats. No one in that thread broke any of those rules. So, policing the thread like that was unwarranted.

    Its not even about the content anymore - it's about the judgment call to shut it down.

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