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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. Whats up Todd!! Thanks for taking that thing off our hands here at Cycle Search! Glad you like it!!
  2. Nothin else to do on Tuesday nights, especially in Delaware..
  3. I appreciate anyone buying a new bike and I'm happy for you, but an 883?? Really?? Please explain how much you paid for it and more importantly how you justify said purchase...
  4. I've never felt the need to hump a little bike.. til now!
  5. HOLY SHIT IT'S A STOCK GIXXER!! oh sorry.. I forgot to mention the gay ass exhaust carry on..
  6. I feel safer on a bike than in a cage... Unless I crash..
  7. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    I like sheep... That is all.
  8. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    I really feel bad about having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent
  9. Holy shit what a coincidence!!! So is your mom!!
  10. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    Nope.. but your mom did
  11. If you're gonna a real sportbike then do yourself a favor and buy a Honda...
  12. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    Haha that's funny douchebag... Do you really wanna see???? Faggot..
  13. No, that's cuz you're just cheap Tom! ;)
  14. How so? If you put in $50 the first time but you're really willing to pay $100, how will entering a second higher bid have any affect?
  15. I'm all about the sniper too, but that's pretty much what everyone does and it seldom seems to work anymore. Hell, there's programs out there that do it for you at the last millisecond.
  16. Just put in your highest bid (the most you're willing to pay for it) then walk away, otherwise you'll get cought up in the "I gotta win" mentality and pay more than you really want to. Trust me, I've done it...
  17. Definitely sucks man but certainly could have been a lot worse. Hope you heal up up quick and get back out there!
  18. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    Whatever.. chicks dig scars!
  19. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    HELLZ NO!! You would actually be a threat you sexy lil' fucker!!
  20. zerocrash

    Brass Balls

    Ok not to jack your thread David but I gotta chime in here. I totally fucking agree with your original post!! Wheezle pretty much did the same thing to Sara after she made the mistake of befriending him and giving out her number. Luckily she put a stop to it after he started being inappropriate, but him calling and texting my fiance SEVERAL times a day was already inappropriate in my book. Hell, he only know her through me and he didn't even have MY number. (intentionally) He seems harmless, and for the most part he is because no fucking chick in the world would touch his greasy ass. He's like a leach, he just latches on to whoever gives him any attention. Creepy is an understatement. He's the kind of guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats.
  21. That's sucky Kid. Deer are one of my biggest fears out in the country. At least you got rid of that damn Kawasaki...
  22. It's been about 5 years since I've been there and I only rode it once but it was a blast! It's especially good for the smaller motor bikes (I.E. my 250) because there are not a bunch of long ass straights.
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