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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. I'm not disagreeing with that, but to assume HNW is grossly overpriced without even giving us a chance is what I have a problem with. We may or may not be the cheapest, it depends on a lot of factors, but before you decide we're not, make sure you speak with rockstarhonda or myself. Keep in mind, I do a lot for OR members. Just ask any of the several that have bought bikes from us this last year since I've been on this board. Not to mention that we are also a sponsor on here..
  2. Wow I read her story and that's crazy! Did she fall off the back without the rider going down?
  3. zerocrash


    That's great man. I'm glad you got a good deal and are happy, and I'm ecstatic that you got that deal from our sister store! We do business the exact same way here at our Columbus (Hilliard) store. :)
  4. zerocrash


    See above post. I don't like attention from people I don't know either, which is why mine is set to "private". And there is nothing extremely personal on mine anyway, or at least nothing I wouldn't tell a person after a bit of conversation.
  5. zerocrash


    Now I think you're making myspace out to be something it's not. As Sara just stated, it's just another for of communication as well as a fom of self expression. Mine and many (including Sara's) have so many blockers and privacy settings that you cannot post anything without already being on our friend list and then it still requires our approval. It's no different than emailing someone..
  6. zerocrash


    Any chance I get bro...
  7. zerocrash


    Yep, I know.. I think you should start a whole new thread giving us props!! We are a sponsor on this site too!
  8. zerocrash


    Hellz yeah!! Ohio Motorcycle FTW!!!!! That's awesome! I was just praising you and the dealer for such a good deal and had no idea that it was my own shop!!! I'm the Finance Manager at the Columbus Ohio Motorcycle (Honda Northwest) :cool:
  9. Yeah and the second one didn't have anything in the title except "I wish"
  10. All good. I only remembered because I was the first to post it a few months back.
  11. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=17183&highlight=corrupt
  12. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=15066&highlight=corrupt
  13. zerocrash


    I think you're misunderstanding. It's not about him cheating on her, it's about the fact that he probably has a girlfriend or wife all over his myspace page, therefore he didn't want to give that info out knowing that he would be exposed.
  14. zerocrash


    Is that where you just got your new bike from?
  15. This game has been posted TWICE already..
  16. Yep, you only pay tax on the difference when trading used for new. It has to be new though, used for used and you'll pay tax on the entire amount.
  17. zerocrash


    That is a really good deal man. Full trade in on your 650 is only $4345, so they definitely gave you more since you had the warranty. Considering what you paid for the 14 and then getting a tax break trading used for new, I would pretty much call that the deal of the century. You should be extremely happy, I know I would. Oh yeah, congrats on the new ride!!
  18. zerocrash


    Sure... CHEAP ASSSSS!!!
  19. zerocrash


    Yep $50 barely covers a dateless night at the local dive bar!!!
  20. zerocrash


    50??? Where you going, Mickey D's?? More like 80-100 bones anytime I take someone out.
  21. zerocrash


    You can crap in my thread anytime Sara! I agree with this as well Justin. I have a lot of female friends and some of the shit I hear guys say and do to them is stunning. But what's even more stunning is that they will continue to see said guys..
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