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Posts posted by jeremygsxr

  1. Awesome racing there thanks to Stewart...:D One thing you can't take away from nascar drivers.. They start out local and stay true to that. Most nascar drivers own/part own many many small local tracks all over the USA... I would be up for this for sure...

    Cool, I bet we can get a good group to go to this. I have wanted to go to it for the last couple years, but always end up watching it on ppv.

  2. mmmk, so another bad thing that happened today was I checked my email and found out that a book that I sold through amazon to some rando 2 months ago "didn't arrive". bs. so instead of emailing me 2 weeks after shipment and saying hey i didnt' get the book, she disputes the charges with the credit card company, who goes to amazon, who comes to me and is like, prove that you shipped it. she paid for media mail, and it was 2 months ago. i dont have the reciept anymore... hopefully they're not gonna stick me with the $95 bill, but it looks like thats what is gonna happen.

    This would be the perfect "FUCK OFF" moment!;)

  3. mmmk, so this thread started with what a terrible week its been... but by the end of my work day today, which was about 9:30pm, I asked someone a question, they responded with a cocky answer, I responded to them with "ok thanks, but you dont have to act like i'm stupid", he responded with "then don't act like it" and I responded with "fuck off". In hindsight, maybe I should have not said that... ugh.

    Dont sweat it. "Fuck off" is the greatest phrase ever, you can use it in any situation:

    How are you? Fuck off

    Would you like cream or sugar? fuck off

    Hi my name is harold and I'm new here! fuck off

    etc, etc. you get the point

  4. Rehab - Southern Discomfort(album)

    If you like/have liked drugs and/or alcohol, you will enjoy this band. If neither interest you then listen to them anyway and have a nice day!

    More boobs get more bands.

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