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Posts posted by jeremygsxr

  1. samual beam...

    i dont like theirnew album so much, i like the old stuff that he used to record himself

    you cant bring me down-suicidal tendencies

    sign of the times- cro mags

    how do i embed youtube vids on here?

    Suicidal put on one of the best shows ever.I saw them 3 or 4 times, best was lights, camera, revolution tour with Testament and Pantera. The night before or after was Danzig show. Another one you had to be there for.

  2. Good lookin' out Trapp! Just gave you some "love"


    Where/how much please?

    I got mine at HomeDepot last year on clearance for 8.99. I use/abuse the hell out of it. It is, make you squint your eyes, bright.

  3. +1

    I would not have enjoyed that ride. I probably would have stopped and waited. I only recognized a couple helmets...

    I cant wait to go back!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't around when those vids were made. Pisses me off that I wasted the first half of riding season!

    I'll bite, what were you doing that was more important than riding? jail?lol:D

  4. Hopefully defensive, too. I would like to see Spielman at defensive coordinator.

    Anyways, it was a good game and I could go either way.

    What:eek:? It's only a game, guy with the nards:p

  5. My favorite one was at Haspin when the tail landed in that dip and the 400 conveniently rolled backwards and on top of ya. It was scary for about 4.7srconds till we new you were ok, then the laughter hit. The shiddy part is, that was the only wheelie I wasn't taking video of.:mad:

    Oh yeah nice pics:D

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