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Posts posted by jeremygsxr

  1. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT USE THE 3M STRIPE REMOVAL TOOL!!!!!!!! say good by to your plastics it will eat right through them. As for the tank it will need painted to be done properley

    Thanks for that info. I have only used it on metal surfaces. Did you have a bad experience?:(

  2. Did you see the first thread a few weeks ago about this? That article had pictures of the parents, home, etc. If you go back and look at them you wouldn't be surprised that the kids were removed. I'm inclined to believe Chrildren's Services when they say that the kids weren't removed because of their names....their parents were the most fucked up people I have ever seen and there had to have been some illegal shit/child endangerment going on there.

    +1 I'm going with Wolfy on this.

  3. This will be thrown out because, while the school had the right to take the cell phones from the students due to using them at the wrong time, they had no right, without a court order, to search the phones. I hope the students sue for invasion of privacy, and illegal search and seizure.


  4. Don't let it sit in one spot and burn a hole in them. You will have to feel it out for yourself on how fast to move the thing, but it's not something that would tear it up.

    I used it on my Toyota. The stupid factory stripes on the older trucks, are not on mine :D. A good buff job afterwards and you can't even tell I did anything.

    Hell I still got the thing if you want to borrow it. I'll be around Amberly village the next couple days.

  5. you'll get the current deposit rate when you return the keg, so you double your money!:badgerrock:

    At the local liquor store, they tagged the handles on the more expensive and would only give you $10 if it wasn't there. So to the scrapyard many of our old ones went.

  6. Brooks they were pics of other kids on their phone.

    Having pics of your kids is not child pornaraphy, butt if they are random kids someone is in trouble. If your mom had pics of the neighborhood kids naked on her puter she might be in trouble.

    For the police, "Brooks mom DOES NOT have pics of the neighborhood kids naked on her computer!" As far as I know.:D

  7. But it's also expensive to stop for said police...

    *cough* $2200 for me *cough*

    I didn't say "stop", just that it's illegal to run. I got caught once, but the officer never showed to court. It was a big dumb situation with a smalltown cop that escallated to a big deal with a bunch of sherriffs. In the end the smalltown officer was told to leave the scene, and the arresting officer had much sympathy for me being severely harrassed by "Barney" and never showed to court.:badgerrock:

    $5 spent on gas.

    $0 spent on lawyer.

    All 8 of the charges dropped.....Priceless.

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