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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. HOLY SHIT!!!! This club is unraveling fast!
  2. Damn you and your facts. Let's try this again If Montana declared independence followed by an 8 year war that ended with the USA signing a treaty and pulling all troops out of Montana I dont think legality would really matter. Better?
  3. If Texas declared independence followed by an 8 year war that ended with the USA signing a treaty and pulling all troops out of Texas I dont think legality would really matter.
  4. I have never heard of cruiser riders being afraid to use front brakes. Front brakes are 85% of your braking power. Maybe me and the people I ride with are just rare cruiser riders who use front brakes.
  5. http://www.2pass.co.uk/ages2.htm
  6. My friend who works at a harley dealership by sandusky said this isnt all that bad it is getting blown out of porportion, the only issue is the activation of the brake light. Plus he said this is a 10 minute fix so its not that bad for customers or the service departments.
  7. since i live in Parma now which is 30 minutes away from Buddys I need to see who I can con into being my dd maybe i need to find a temporary girlfriend just for some sammich making and a dd for that night
  8. Fuck the scottish all they ever gave us was golf, bag pipes and kilts
  9. yea I cant say i would trust this guys but what he is saying makes sense he just happens to have an interest in revealing these truths for his own gain
  10. thats the point i was trying to get across before was that since it is illegal it would not be safer but i failed
  11. Currently I disagree with you, I think it less safe to split the lane, more cars to worry about. Now if filtering was legal then i would agree that it would be safer but while it is illegal and no one will be looking for a bike between cars I believe it is very unsafe.
  12. we will eventually take a huge hit as a country however i believe that will lead to our country becoming better for the citizens. More employment because we will have to produce our own things instead of buying most of it from other countries. Not to mention it would restructure our government and economic systems (hopefully for the better due to the need of more restraint) which we know we need to do now.
  13. Let me lead with this disclaimer: I do believe that lane splitting should be legal. However while it is not legal I believe in certain situations it is way more dangerous than waiting especially on the highway. In both situations you gave i can see how that would be safer, I was thinking more of a highway back up situation.
  14. So that means you have to worry about that 1 car behind you instead of splitting lanes and having to worry about every car you come up on switching lanes in front of you while sipping a latte numbers dont lie
  15. However on the up side if this were to happen America would go back to producing quality products for a decent price basically because we would have no other choice.
  16. I dont think it will happen within the next year like he does but i do believe this is a very real possibility in the not too distant future.
  17. Yes, it absolutely is more dangerous than sitting in traffic. I dont know if this was sarcasm and i just didnt pick up on it but if it is not sarcasm i would love to hear your argument that lane splitting is safer than sitting in traffic.
  18. Juice is definately not dead. I am wondering who Piney is going after when they showed him loading his shotgun. Clay is making more and more enemies within the club itself too bad he is too much of a main character to kill off.
  19. I just call them ears and glasses eyes...put your eyes and ears on
  20. as soon as i read this story i actually went to lycos to see if it even still existed
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