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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. Thanks for all the support and leads. My friend I used to work for (owner of romeos pizza) called me today said he heard what happened and offered me a job as an assisstant GM in one of his stores. Not sure if I am going to take it or not because I don't know if I want to be in the industry anymore but either way its good to know that as a friend he is looking out for me and as a past employer he appreciated me busting my ass for him while I worked there.
  2. He will never call me, he would let that place go down in flames before he called me thats just the type of person he is. I bruised his ego now he has to prove what big man he is.
  3. Suzuki should foot the bill for the paint unless they have some kind of time limit. If the recall was in 98 then I can see why 13 years later they are taking the you get what we give you attitude.
  4. It's story time. Last summer my friend of 5 or 6 years asked me if I would work for him if he bought a pizza shop since I have experiance in the field. I asked what exactly he would want me to do and he told me I would run the place, he would only be there 20-25 hours a week I would be the GM and would be responsible for the entire operation. We came to an agreement on pay which would be $10 an hour and a bonus structure that would max out at 5% of gross sales. Without getting into all the details of all the shit he did that pissed me off (because it would turn this post into a fucking novel) I will highlight the big things that bothered me. He has a huge ego to the point of nobody can question him or else he gets pissed, he had no appreciation or grattitude for everything I did in that shop, he would talk down to people like they were less than human, and he lost his job due to his shitty attitude so started working a lot of hours in the shop and tried to cut my hours back. The final straw came in the form of an employment contract he wanted me to sign. Included in this contract were things such as a no competition clause, if i quit or get fired I can not work for any competitor, including any pizza shop fast food or restaurant within 10 miles of his location. I understand these are fairly common in contracts however this is the food service industry give me a fucking break. Also in the contract was a section about my schedule saying I must work 2 out of 3 weekend days every weekend with no exception whatsoever. The biggest thing in the contract was he cut my bonus max out to 0.5%. For example at $500k a year in sales under the old plan I would get a $20k bonus, under the new max out i would get $2500. Now the reason this is such a big deal is not only because he is going back on our original agreement but because the only reason I agreed to such a low hourly pay rate was due to the bonus structure. the past few weeks the shop has been really understaffed because 1 person quit 2 people went back to college another is out for medical reasons and another is on vacation this week. He is very cheap and wants to pinch and save every penny he can so he was very slow on hiring new people which meant i had to bust ass twice as hard to pick up the slack plus i had to train them as fast as possible because according to him as an owner training is not his responsiblity it is mine and mine alone. I went in on Monday to talk to him about the contract we sat down and skipped all the bullshit and went straight to the bonus issue, I told him it was not fair and we either had to go back to the old bonus structure or my hourly pay had to go up. I asked if the bonus would go back to the old way he said no, I asked if my houly pay will increase he said "No and if you don't like it you can give me your keys and get the fuck out of my shop" I did exactly that and for the first time in my life walked out on a job. The truly sad part is he has no idea how fucked he is because he honestly believed that he was the only reason that shop was as successful as it is and now that I am gone there are already 2 more employees that want to quit because they dont want to deal with his shit. If anyone knows of any jobs in the greater Cleveland or Akron area please let me know.
  5. Here is the problem with increasing taxes for the wealthy, shit rolls down hill. If the owner of a company has his taxes increased $30,000 a year do you think he will really take this cut in pay? Fuck no he will just get rid of 1 employee to make up the difference. The wealthy employ the non wealthy increasing their taxes decreases our earnings.
  6. Meeting at 830 at "The Place To Be" restaurant in Brook Park for breakfast. If you don't want to eat then 930 at the same place. Address for "The Place to be" is 5751 Smith Road, Brook Park ohio. Post up if you are coming for sure so that I can check my phone before we leave so no one gets left behind.
  7. Recording serial numbers for anything that has it is a good idea as well. If something common like a television is stolen there is no real way to tell if it is yours or belongs to someone else so if you do the walk through with a video camera make sure you get shots of the serial numbers on any items that have one.
  8. We will all register at QSL then we have 5 stops we have to go to and draw cards for our hand. We turn in our sheets at the end and whoever has the best hand wins
  9. Like I said the more the merrier we will have the wife of a fallen rider with us so the more people to show support the better
  10. I don't give a shit what it is or how it looks I just want to get as many people as possible to go. The wife of a fallen rider will be with our group so the more people there to show support the better.
  11. Oh yea and post up if you are going to come so I know who I. Need to wait for, don't want to leave anyone behind.
  12. New levies are bullshit if you operated on that budget for the past x amount of years you should still be able to operate on it for the next x amount of years. I have no problem with levy renewels but basically saying we ran out of money and need more is bullshit. I understand that certain upgrades need to be made every so often so pass a levy that accounts for setting aside money each year to build so that when the district needs 500 new computers there is already money there for it. Or at least have some transperancy (sp?) and tell the people exactly where every cent is going. Edit: I just realized my argument is completely wrong we need to pass new levies to pay teachers those mandatory union raises or they might strike. PASS THE LEVY!!!!!
  13. Meeting at 830 at the place to be in brook park for breakfast. If you don't want to eat then 930 at the same place. Route will depend on where the stops are we try our best to stay off highway and super busy roads.
  14. Sunday August 7th at QSL Valley View. I go on this run every year and it is a pretty good time and it benefits a great organization. I already have a group of 4-6 in on this and wanted to try to get more. I will be starting at the valley view location however you can also start from sheffield or mentor and it all ends at valley view. First out at 10 last out at 12 and last in at 4. I actually won this last year and I can only hope to do it again. Details are still being hashed out as far as where we are going to meet up. If interested post up and I will post details as I figure them out.
  15. I looked at the pics about 30 times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and then read this...good to know I'm not seeing things
  16. Another example of why our borders need to be more secure...damn illegals taking Americans jobs
  17. She's not a Hooker, she doesn't even charge. Besides I already had her once and she ended up throwing beer on me in the parking lot of Buddys after the motorcycle show and making it look like I pissed myself. She's a real bitch anyways.
  18. Got a wedding that night but I was told last year wemt into the wee hours of the morning so who knows maybe I will head out after
  19. Bullshit! You look like you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
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