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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. I dont think a dead guy endorsing a shelter meant to keep you alive is a very good marketing idea.
  2. thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
  3. If the kid was scared he shouldnt have been up there, but obviously he couldnt have been too scared if he was up there fuckin around with his cell phone to update his twitter while trying to film practice. I feel bad for his family and this is a tragedy but the use of common sense could have prevented this. Either the kid or the coach or hell even a player should have had the common sense to say hey maybe its not a good idea for him to be up there. Unfortunately Darwin beat a whole college.
  4. Marilyn Monroe re-creation? Your doing it wrong.
  5. supposed to work till 11 but the last show was the shit so I will try to skip out early and make a showing.
  6. It was the uniform comment that made me decide it wasnt you
  7. No matter how hard you try I dont think you can get rid of heart burn by stabbing it to death
  8. I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that this isnt you, just a coincidence with the initials?
  9. I know I got it from a friend and sent it to Fonzie Moose and Magz. Not sure where it went from there.
  10. Thats the problem is that there is no logical solution because of how the schools are run now. Teachers have no power to do anything to students other than tell them to go to the office and principals have no power other than to suspend or expell them, which in my opinion does no good at all. The logical solution is for parents to quit allowing their kids to have an attitude that everyone should care about them and their feelings and for schools to quit being such pansies and allow teachers and principals to run the building the way they need to. Bring back swats and see how many behavior problems dissappear real fucking quick.
  11. I don't give a fuck how much help these programs supposedly give, if it is going to run our country into the ground then all they are doing is driving more people to use these programs which have to be paid for by someone. So as long as my car gets me from a to b that is all that matters. Whenever something goes wrong with my car I should just fix it and move on without ever considering the financial effects. The effectiveness of my car is measured by its ability to get me from a to b, so as long as I keep throwing money at it no matter how much money it costs me I will be ok?
  12. Your 3 examples or programs that work are medicare, welfare, and social security? Your definition and my definition of work must be totally different, If a program is in the red then I would not say it is working. On a side note I really wish they would implode NASA, only down fall would be the jobs lost which unfortunately is a lot.
  13. Kudos for playing devils advocate. I would like to hear your solution. Do we let it go and just say fuck it? Do we keep making empty threats while allowing cartels to take over a section of our country? I fully understand that you can not make everyone happy in most situations but what is your personal opinion on what should be done in that section of Arizona that the cartels have pretty much taken over?
  14. It would all depend on where the better out is. Chances are I would sit in the blind spot because if they move over I have the horn and if all else fails I have the shoulder.
  15. I don't think anyone is saying they think bullying is ok, but that the bullied are taking their response to a whole new level. Bullying sucks but it happens, it will never stop, however kids being so weak and over emotional to think that suicide is a logical way to make it end, can stop. Stop raising kids to be pussies and think that everyone has to care about their feelings. The world is harsh cold and mean get used to it, no one gives a shit about your feelings, get over it. I really have a hard time understanding why anyone let alone a child would commit suicide. Suicide is a selfish act of weakness. Darwin wins again.
  16. Saw the Horsemen. Pretty good movie but was a little predictable to me. Still good though.
  17. Vulcan_Rider


    way to ruin the fantasy dick!
  18. My parents were old school, if I got in trouble it was always what did YOU do? Now it seems like most parents immediately blame the teacher or other person in the situation because their little angel could not have possibly done anything wrong.
  19. Some of the left said there was hardly anyone while some of the right claimes over a million so it became a pissing match...typical DC shit
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