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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. photobucket fail I take no responsibility
  2. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (71%, 3,497 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (26%, 1,291 Votes)
  3. and with that sir you have declared victory
  4. My bad, not directed at you. However I agree with him to a point and I think you are right. It is the families that were in the media complaining about what they did or didnt get. If 5 more families came out and started bitching then I would guess he would say 15 instead of 10.
  5. and their anger stems from their radical Islam beliefs True Islam is not the cause, I get that I do not blame a religion for the action of fringe radicals. Same goes for KKK their actions are due to their radical beliefs but I do not blame true Christians for their actions.
  6. If 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam and Al-Qeada has nothing to with Islam then what the hell is all this infidel talk that Bin Laden has spewed as well as all this stuff about in the name of Islam or in the name of Allah. I am not by any means saying that the actual teachings of Islam condone these activities but you can not say that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al-Qeada. It was a terrorist act carried out by radical Islam.
  7. But the title would still fit. My only argument is that there is nothing wrong with referring to them as radical Islam because that is exactly what they are, the same as there is nothing wrong with calling the KKK radical Christians because that is what they are. Both groups have taken their religion and twisted its teachings to justify their actions.
  8. I think she will call her on it and try to black-mail her into doing something for her.
  9. That is exactly what Al-Qaeda is...radical Islam. Everything they do they do in the name of Islam and Allah.
  10. Yea he almost said he hates the victims of 9/11. Nice try, how about instead of the selective hearing bullshit you speak in fact and not do exactly what you accuse Glenn Beck of doing.
  11. I would love for you to show me that transcript or clip or audio.
  12. Actually I think you are right. this link is a picture of the guy who played Kyle Hobart who had the tat burned off his back. clicky I thinks that is the guy that was at the funeral talkin about coming back to Charming.
  13. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (71%, 3,429 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (27%, 1,287 Votes)
  14. I dont think it is a good idea but oh well it is legal. The thing about it that annoys me is that the only reason this is getting so much attention is that he is doing it on 9/11. Notice not once did he mention 9/11 as a reason for doing it just the fact that he is incredibly ignorant when it comes to Islam and because of that he wants to kill it with fire.
  15. Have to assume it was her mothers obituary because when she got to her dads house the care giver was talking as though it was very recent. With Hale out of the picture as chief I am guessing Unser will jump back in as head dog. Just a shot in the dark the drive-by was the gang that they chased from the marina and they have deeper ties with Cameron than they let on. Obviously Cameron made it to Belfast with Abel so he had help. Let's not forget that there has been mention of a SOA chapter in Belfast that has helped the IRA so I am assuming they will come into play this season as well. Who was the guy at the funeral that said he was going to try to transfer back to the Charming chapter? Bobby and Jax didnt seem too thrilled about it but Clay said he will make it happen.
  16. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (71%, 3,365 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (27%, 1,284 Votes)
  17. http://www.motoreagles.com/home/bom-august-poll/ Just so I dont have to jump from last page to first page for the link anymore.
  18. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (70%, 3,212 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (28%, 1,257 Votes)
  19. One of the few shows that I actually give a shit about and it is finally back. Looks like from 10-11 on Tuesday nights no one will be able to have any contact with me.
  20. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (70%, 3,165 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (28%, 1,247 Votes)
  21. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (69%, 3,017 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (28%, 1,235 Votes) I like it
  22. A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (51%, 808 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (43%, 669 Votes)
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