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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. I feel bad for these families but what the hell happened to saying "fuck them" and moving on? I took a whole lot of shit when I was in school about my weight and my family, which was well known for all the wrong reasons, along with whatever the hell else those d-bags could come up with but never once did I contemplate suicide. I don't mean to be disrespectful or down play the situation but what the fuck is wrong with someone that allows words to bother them so much that they decide ending there life is worth it? I may sound like an asshole but damn, toughen up, realize a lot of people suck, pull yourself up by the boot straps and go about your life, dont fucking end it.
  2. Let me put it this way: loud pipes don't hurt to have. (within reason) I feel safer with a louder than stock exaust, wether it is just a mental thing or they actually do make me safer really doesnt matter, They can't hurt to have.
  3. I firmly believe in loud pipes save lives. Just like everything else there is a limit. I have vance and hines on my bike and it sounds good, not obnoxious not loud when I start it but loud enough to be heard while riding. Sound echo's off of everything so direction does not have much of an effect on this, of course it will be louder begind the bike but still heard in every direction. As far as this specific article I completely disagree with them only because they are now making these bikes illegal due to sound but it is ok because they are police
  4. Yea Fox pulled a few channels from Dish Network including FX all the Fox sports channels and I believe there were a few more. I am extremely pissed cause now I cant watch my motorcycle soap opera known as Sons of Anarchy, the only show I actually watch..or watched...on a consistent basis. Looks like I am gonna have to start watching them online.
  5. You caught me I am a huge egomaniac and love calling people names. Ask anyone around, I post all about me and call everyone names. Well now that you have successfully put me in my place and figured me out I am done with this conversation. I bow to you oh god of OR you have been here a year longer than me I don't even have a right to respond to you...my apologies sir.
  6. You said let me ask you cruiser guys something, I am a cruiser guy so yes it was directed at me. Never posted in the other thread. My problem with you was that you decided to talk shit about someones bike because it is not your style, it was not stating an opinion it was talking shit, and I said I find you to be an asshole. I welcome you to find exactly when I have ever talked shit about someones bike. I do not like sport bikes, but hey other people do, personal preference not my call. So if I have never talked shit about other peoples bikes than how exactly am I a hypocrite? Oh and I really dont give a shit how long someone has been here, all I can say is I think it is an asshole move to talk shit to someone about their choice of bike, sorry I dont like the same bikes you do.
  7. It's hell being the minorities of OR...or the "special" people on OR however you want to look at it.
  8. My bad I'm not good at this whole generalization thing, thanks for the help!
  9. You are right all of us cruiser riders drink and ride and not a single sport bike rider does. Good call! I personally do not drink and ride however I have seen many people that do on every kind of bike so lets ease back just a bit on the generalizations. However If we do wanna go that route I could just say that as a sport bike owner all you do is speed, stunt and ride in a wreckless manner. See how stupid you sound?
  10. :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow: Feel better yet?
  11. Not butt hurt at all, I just find you to be an asshole.
  12. So because it is not a bike that you like you want to talk shit...you seem to be good at that. Sorry I dont feel the need for a sport bike, I do not like to do that kind of riding at the speeds they are capable of. Obviously a bike is the preference of the rider, if you dont like someones bike then fuck off and dont buy one like it.
  13. Well KK definately can pass for a child so maybe 3 adults and a kid?
  14. Congrats Winner! Voting ended at noon today, final count: A: 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R (73%, 4,073 Votes) B: 1981 Harley Davidson Custom Shovelhead (25%, 1,365 Votes)
  15. Only September and this thing looks like it will be bigger than last year. Looks like I need to warn the locals to lock up their sheep and daughters....who am I kidding just lock up the sheep.
  16. wow I really did fail with the title
  17. http://www.videobash.com/video_show/epic-boat-docking-failure-890
  18. http://www.videobash.com/video_show/girl-enjoys-slingshot-ride-2032
  19. http://www.videobash.com/video_show/super-fast-spray-paint-artist-2747 the quickness
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