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Posts posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. Sounds like yet another story from the day's events 33.gif

    Nothin big, had a little too much to drink had to get someone to pick him up, i have the feeling we have all been there, or at least most of us

  2. I had a great time, the drive from cleveland was well worth it. It was good to meet everyone that showed, and it was great watching Yota fall backwards on a wheel chair while doing a wheelie in it.:wheelchair: "Its all about the balance point" *BOOM*:funnyshit:

  3. I understand gixxie being upset about the comment made, however to be angry is one thing, to put a bounty out on someones property is a whole different story. Then on top of that other people on his site start with more severe threats like "hook his headlights up to his gas tank", and he does nothing about it. Now I know a lot of people say its just talk on the internet and it means nothing but i have 2 exceptions to this, first of all from what i understand some time before i got here a member got pissed with ninja nick and found out where he worked and was saying he was going to wait for him to get out of work and beat his ass or whatever, and secondly granted different situation but sticking with internet and reality, does anyone else realize that there is a show called to catch a predator that has been on for around 2 or 3 years and still makes new episodes all about internet talk turning into reality.

    I really dont care one way or another if he stays or goes but no matter what i still wont like him and have absolutely no desire to meet or ride with him. In fact until he mans up and controls his forum i can promise you i will not be at any event that he is at.

  4. If you or anyone else finds themselves in the Akron area, I'd be glad to ride with you. Doesn't matter to me whether you ride a cruiser or sportbike, as long as it's got less than four wheels.

    So you wouldnt mind riding with my goldwing trike complete with cappuccino maker, boot shiner, computer, sattelite dish, atm, slot machine, and full service (cash only) bar?

  5. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Cleveland+Metro+Park+Dr%2FScenic+Park+Dr&daddr=Park+Dr%2FValley+Pkwy+to:Cleveland+Metro+Park+Dr%2FValley+Pkwy+to:Valley+Pkwy+to:Valley+Pkwy+to:41.343825,-81.585846+to:Heinton+Dr&geocode=FRPweAIduFsf-w%3BFUC5eAIdtXkf-w%3BFX2EdwIdmcUe-w%3BFYI8dgId-Icg-w%3BFYFsdgIdMeEi-w%3B%3BFf26dwIdboQi-w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=5&sz=12&via=1,2,3,4,5&rtol=0,1,2,3,4,6&dirflg=h&sll=41.35233,-81.661034&sspn=0.115458,0.336456&ie=UTF8&z=12

    Then maybe:


    Or if we wanted winking lizard :


    I like the first map and if people want the winking lizard there is one right there on rockside road

  6. I think our government should take a lot of blame for shit like this too. Back in the day parents and teachers could actually discipline kids and not get in trouble, teachers had swats and parents could spank their children or use some other kind of physical punishment to get their point across and it usually worked. I promise you if they still had swats in schools then our school systems would not be nearly as fucked up as they are. Anymore parents and teachers fear the kids, and with good reason, that kid is gonna get a slap on the wrist maybe do a few months in juvi but nothing serious, however had the bus driver lost her cool and hit him then she would be going to prison for 20 years. Kids get away with everything now because everyone is afraid to discipline them.

    On a side note dont twist what im saying, i dont think that it is acceptable for parents to beat their kids or punch them in the face or anyhting like that, however a smack to mouth may be neccessary if they mouth off, or my dads favorite the slap to the back of the head.

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