Drivers report speeding motorcycle without driver on I-20 in Arlington
Question for all those armchair QBs out there... What kind of salary SHOULD these pro's be making? What's fair for the players vs. the owners? If you can't pay to attract the top talent and put in "The Replacements", would you pay to go see them? My money'd be better spent at an OSU or local High School game without the "best" out there... Here you go -- I'll even help you with financials Make your business cases...
F*(kin unions and their collective bargaining. The owners can just get scabs to replace those NFL unionized players. Buncha pricks trying to take money from their job-creating corporate overlords
Beyond the human suffering, this is related to the forum... How the earthquake is affecting Japan’s motorcycle companies
Its sickening that people don't get their pets spayed or neutered and then end up with 30+ fish they don't accept responsibility for and can't take care of. It's disgusting.
You guys are all suckers if you don't have a Rewards Checking account. Talk to me when your liquid money is making > 3% just for sitting there in an account for you to use...
That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. It's all about the presentation. Telling you that "cognitive scientists have shown Republicans have mental deficiencies" is different than telling you that "Joe, my neighbor that votes Democrat, discovers Republicans are mentally deficient." They're just words, but when you try to bring any sense of clout to your argument and it's not true -- it's pretty ineffectual when people realize you're intentionally trying to mislead them by disguising an opinion piece as a scholarly article with "facts and studies and analysis" that never existed. Check the citations too... a lot of them are non-existent as well.
Wait, I want to retract my post. Please, by all means, everyone ONLY fill up in the morning (staying off the roads for me and leaving me with plenty of pumps to myself when I decide to get gas) -- and only use the slow setting (this is mostly for my own lulz watching you waste 20 extra minutes each fillup). I don't really buy into a lot of those "tips". Besides, if you're THAT hardup to save $0.05 over an entire fillup, you probably shouldn't have that smartphone, cable TV, or Taco Bell dinner either.