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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. This is why I have a picture of my bank account balance as my Facebook pic.
  2. I'm just going to sit in the parking lot and bounce my Hayabusa off the rev limiter the entire movie.
  3. I've messed around with Linux (used Knoppix to recover a bad drive once), plus I loaded Kemu on my windows box to mess around with Ubuntu, but nothing serious. I'm one of those guys that learns a lot when I need to fix something or have a personal problem that needs solving -- so I've been exposed to a lot, but it's one of those things I don't get to work with everyday so I don't consider myself very IT savvy in that respect. Regarding the OSI and IP stacks... I learned all about that in my MIS coursework, but I've never really had to do any nitty-gritty programing - all high level "here's what the diagram of the layer model looks like". It's the nitty gritty that I have respect for, those are the real nuts and bolts of the system. The last time I programmed anything (besides XML or PLC) was writing assembly in my micros class for my undergrad.
  4. I've always been interested in learning all this stuff too, just to know it. I think I'm done chasing paper unless I decide to get a law degree. But, and forgive me true IT nerds with skillz, what would all this knowledge give me as a rather savvy casual user? I'm not heavy on command line like I used to be as a kid playing with DOS, but I don't think it's something that would be difficult for me to pickup...
  5. I watched some guy on the Discovery channel gut a fish once. Give me a knife and I could probably gut you too. I r a knife expertz.
  6. I'll give you that "Justice is blind" (or should be), but these are PUBLIC RECORD. So, regardless of if/when the information was obtained by an individual, that information should be there for any and all to obtain. The motion to remove the public record, is ALSO a public record. So, I could also look that up and now wonder "what are they trying to hide"? I know I'm not a lawyer or anything, but I thought prior-convictions to bear some weight in court (or is that just in the sentencing portion?) Beyond all that, just the fact that these events are being reported in the news, is exposing A LOT more people to this specific case than if they would've just rolled the dice and asked the jurors if they had looked at the prior record during interviews. I would guess that a lot more people read the news than go online and look at court dockets... this whole effort to remove the online docket has essentially backfired causing even MORE publicity.
  7. :zombie: Those folks that have been summoned, did you ever bother to look up the online record of the person you were tasked with indicting/convicting/acquitting? Do you think you should have access to that information? Would it bias you to the point were your judgment would be unfair? I only ask because I've been following this case: Judge orders removal of online records in murder case
  8. By play you mean "shoot at" -- I'm not good, but I still play only to pwn people when I actually get a kill. "How's it feel to killed by the shittiest player on the other team, n00bsauce?"
  9. Ghost ride it off the top of an 18 story building and film it. That'd be cool.
  10. Two parter, but this made me laugh. It's no L33t haxxoring, but it's pretty comical to see the sleuthing of a semi-savvy user that caught a couple of lucky breaks vs. a low-life criminal. Action at the 3:12 mark of video one and continues to video two. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAI8S2houW4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSTFP6BYXAE
  11. What j/b/ot said. 99% of the time, it's not worth it because I don't care about what dumb decisions that person makes or misinformation they spew, and they frankly don't care what I (or anyone else) thinks, nor do they want to be corrected or they wouldn't make statements. They'd have a discussion or be inquisitive, not trying to bullet-point opinions as factual.
  12. I think we're missing the bigger picture here. It's much more satisfying to kill a man with your bare hands than your bear arms.
  13. The more I think about this (my first mistake, right?), it almost reads like a snopes deal. So I'm skeptical 1)What criminal would admit the fact to a cop that they were deterred by open carry? 2)Even if they did, why would I believe a thief? 3)The cop just happened to be 'vigilant' and on the scene because he suspected something - how often does that happen IRL? I'm just saying, this story seem too pro-gun to be true, not to mention the fact that it's in Kennesaw, GA which is the town you read about in all other pro-gun stats as "the town that mandates gun ownership for every household"....
  14. Not when I go to shady knife-fights in bars.
  15. My e-penis is huge and I drive a Dodge Stratus.
  16. Truth, I just wanted to finish the campaign to get the backstory. I'm starting the single player on BF:BC2 as well -- as soon as I can figure out how to turn the brightness up higher than the game allows, I can't see isht.
  17. Yea, sorry jp... I was actually having a good game (good game = KD ratio of >1), so I didnt' want to leave and when I got back your game was full.
  18. What is this the Twilight zone? All you effers weren't on this weekend except for Mj, and she actually played a few games.
  19. Interesting. I wonder how it would've turned out if they were concealed and not open carrying.
  20. Those guys hit back, I'm sure.
  21. You must be the person Kawi was telling everyone he had sex with and told you to "look him up online" and tossed an ORDN sticker at you before you took the walk of shame through the pasture...
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