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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I think god's birthday is before 1950, but you're right, he's probably upgraded since then. When he isn't tooling around in his BMW, I bet he rides a Ural for similar reasons. And, with that, I think I've just blown your mind.
  2. Exactly. But, I think if god was a Nazi, he'd be driving a Volkswagen.
  3. I suppose if god were to drive a car, it would be a BMW The ultimate driving machine for the omnipotent among us.
  4. Stay away from Uncle Punk then.
  5. Aaaaaaaannnnnnddd... we're one step closer, two steps away, but the governor is a shoe in to sign it. Only the House is left to go... better get all the protesting, striking, and walkouts in that you can public employees, because after the House vote, it'll be fines and jail time. UPDATE: Senate Bill 5 passes 17-16
  6. I took for granted I learned the maps in MW2... all the Black Ops maps are totally new.
  7. The games are in. Black Ops and BF:Bad Company 2
  8. What kind of rides? There are ALL sorts of different paces people ride around here. We need to get you matched up with the appropriate folks at a level you're comfortable at.
  9. Disclaimer


    No Ruger either.
  10. "I'd do me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk4BSEFJq0A
  11. But then it looks weird because I have a tail.
  12. Meh. I tuck for many reasons: *My neck/torso is tired/sore from getting whipped by the wind *Cold *Because I can -- I ain't gotta prove nothing to you Ohh, and when I drag race. I tuck then too.
  13. Check out that rant -- Casper's angry at the world today! *rabble rabble rabble* Parents always have the option of enrolling their child in a private school or home-schooling them if they don't like all these snobby, upper-class public workers flaunting their Hyundais, their health care benefits, and other entitlements in the face of the people. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-february-28-2011/crisis-in-dairyland---odor-in-the-capitol-building?xrs=share_copy I think the better question is -- "What can I pay you do to for my country?" Easy question when you're the one holding all the money.
  14. They make a deal about using GPS to "beat the ticket", but the article I read was more about how the cop didn't know WTF he was doing, couldn't remember the last time his radar gun was cal'd, the model of the gun, his training, etc -- stuff they're typically taught to rattle off on the stand anyway, and the guy just threw in his GPS results for good measure. Of course the media ran with the "MyTracks" thing and not that a regular guy without that data probably could've beaten the ticket based on the lack of evidence presented by the prosecution.
  15. Mobil1 Vtwin 20w50 full synth for the SV. I run the Mobil 4T 10w40 in my I-4. Though I think last time I got a deal on 10w40 so I just ran it across the board. Either one won't hurt since yours is liquid cooled. The 20w50 is supposed to be better on air-cooled vtwins (ala Harley). Bottom line if it's JASO MA2 certified... it's fine.
  16. Though, to be fair... as is also the case in Wisconsin... I wonder how many of them either didn't vote, or actually voted for Kasich? If there are any Republicans down there protesting that didn't vote or voted for Kasich, it's pretty hypocritical of them for being the party of market forces -- ala "it's ok for everyone else, but don't touch MY benefits." You get what you vote (or didn't vote) for.
  17. Sugar Ray - RPM Lil Wayne - Stuntin' like my Daddy ("Vroom on the Yamaha, chromed out 1100") Lloyd Banks - Start it up
  18. Glenn Beck estimates that crowd to be about 30 people.
  19. What are you about again? You might as well go get some earplugs and drive a Prius around.
  20. Take your net worth, divide it by your twice your age, then multiply that answer by how hot the current chick you're banging is on a 1-10 scale, and the person with the highest number wins this thread.
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