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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Yea, we shouldn't be footing the bill for them to smoke or party either.
  2. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2181635042.html
  3. Don't care - still edible. It could be rancid lemur vagina and drunks and potheads would still eat it at 3AM.
  4. Ohh, I missed the first time... found it now.... free bump again.
  5. No mention of the other program you have going on? RC8 Rentals on regular trackdays.... I've done the KTM Days twice now and had a blast, and it's uber-convienient not having to haul a bike there.
  6. ^--- This, given Kucinich's ideologies, I'd guess this is the case. Congrats on winning the "word nerd of the day" award too, for subrogation. I haven't heard that in awhile, and last time I did, it was scary.
  7. Really? You must be a lucky one then... 'cause I'm not gonna throw stones from my glass house.
  8. Awesome, that money is going right back into the economy and into the pockets of big business... who says the gov't is anti-business?
  9. What's your employers IT policy?
  10. There's no ambition like the ambition of the poor to stay poor. Gotta stay under that ceiling...
  11. Fine with me, kill it with fire, burn it all to the ground.
  12. I'm on board... we just need some sort of system (maybe stars? ID cards?) to identify the whole class of people who are poor so we can begin to concentrate them in a certain area, we'll call it a camp, for internment -- transporting them by train is probably the most cost-effective method.
  13. What symptoms are associated with these drugs? Do they have any interactions? If someone runs into hard times, who has a right to say what drugs someone must ingest into their body for some assistance? We should probably just corral up all the poor or unfortunate and make all their choices for them.
  14. My favorite part was when he walked in the door and flipped the lights on...
  15. And you enforce this how? Sure, I can agree, but the process has to be reversible because some people aren't on welfare or unemployment forever. There are more than a few members on this site that have used gov't assisstance before and still are... The surgical method probably isn't the way to go here. Maybe instead of sending checks out, the welfare/unemployed have to figure out someway to get to the welfare office and the lady writing the checks has to physically observe the women swallowing a birth control pill? Only women would be able to pickup the checks though...
  16. Who's paying for the testing, and the subsequent "substance abuse treatment"?
  17. http://www.sportrider.com/sch/02/suspension/articles/index.html Particularly: http://www.sportrider.com/tech/146_0006_susp_dialin/index.html and http://www.sportrider.com/suspension_settings/suspension_setup/146_0402_suspension_setup_guide/index.html
  18. Knob clicker... Just sounds funny. Not to be confused with Kevin, who's a knob licker.
  19. Adjust suspension all the way out (Lefty loosey), ride 'floater' Adjust suspension all the way in (Righty tighty), ride 'bucking bronco' Pick somewhere in between where you like it.
  20. So....you pay another person to click the mouse for you? For $50/mo + your login credentials, you can text me whatever you want to put on ORDN and I'll type it up for you.
  21. Ted Williams, 'man with golden voice,' bolts from Texas rehab http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20110126/UPDATES01/110126004
  22. I hate the idiot overly-partisan talking point responses at the end. I do know that.
  23. I have 5 years to figure it out, because until then it's under warranty. I have faith that modern engines are ok on durability assuming the proper maintenance schedule is followed for the type of driving you do.
  24. Just curious, anyone from the Westside want to carpool? I really don't feel like driving, but I'll chip in for gas/steaks/pitchers for said driver
  25. The old E=1/2mv^2 equation rears it's ugly head again.
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