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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Would you? Could you? For $3195... I would, but I need AT LEAST 1000cc for the street. :cool: Cleveland CycleWerks Misfit: the missing link? http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/11/cleveland-cyclewerks-misft-the-missing-link/
  2. <sigh> you forgot to add "while eating massive amounts of spaghetti"
  3. I don't think anyone here said Obama was incapable of lying. And there are aspects that have been made more open and transparent (white house logs, for example), and others more secure and confidential. There is probably never going to be 100% transparency from the gov't. But people would be delusional to think any candidate would promise transparency and openness when the matters concern these items in question (diplomatic cables) here. That's like asking someone to vote for a candidate that promises to give away state secrets. I don't think a majority of Americans really want the US to show ALL their cards for the world to see.
  4. Yea... I dunno who "you all" is... there are other reasons beyond "hope and change" why people would vote for Obama over McCain. Furthermore, you can't broad brush this singular aspect of politics (which, if you read the articles, is how the game has always been played, just not publicly exposed this way) and think Obama and his cabinet haven't changed American history.
  5. Will release of new Wikileaks secrets blow Obama's nice guy image? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/8165137/Will-release-of-new-Wikileaks-secrets-blow-Obamas-nice-guy-image.html
  6. I saw the CL ad... so I know he got a KILLER deal. If I didn't already have my copper one, I would've sniped this bike from him.
  7. This, is my new favorite song of 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwII0k2bSpM&feature=player_embedded
  8. This, but a bike knockoff. You don't need coffee and "serious lack of sleep" to twist someone else's ideas into yours. But I will give you props for trying to organize people around a common "cause", get-togethers are usually fun. I'm going back to sipping on my Haterade, it's only 1/2 gone.
  9. ORDN Sanity Check, or price check rather... i7, 1GB dedicated video, USB 3.0, eSATA port, 500GB, 4GB DDR3... $850. Cheapest i7 system I could find. Other computer nerds, your thoughts? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0041RRVOG/?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=dealnewscom
  10. Disagree. What specific criteria? They're held to the criteria that all patents are held to, if they're granted by the USPTO. There was nothing stopping Bosch or Bremo from coming up with a ZTL design - they just didn't. And the other components aren't patented because they can't be - there is no novelty beyond current embodiments. I've gone through this before.
  11. Kinda hard to legally copycat a patented design... jussayin' ZTL brakes, for example.
  12. The BBC version can't be better, it's funded by SOCIALISTS!
  13. GOP powers? Like fondling people's junk at the airport? I don't need you to secure my "homeland". Unless you're gagging on it.
  14. Shhh Gump, be vewwwy vewwwy quiet. We're tolling drunk Pauly....
  15. This guy - http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2010/11/michael_stuart_patterson_anima.php Also not a liberal. IP's favorite pasttime is felching. Now who wins?
  16. This thread reminded me that all animal rights people are liberals. I forgot. I better see all of you people that don't want to be pansy-ass liberals kicking puppies the next time I see you.
  17. Do you guys not read the article? When you file a patent, you have to list why it's novel.... Zach read it
  18. Mr. Buell still has some new tricks... Erik Buell’s latest patent combines exhaust, swingarm http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/11/erik-buell%E2%80%99s-latest-patent-combines-exhaust-swingarm/
  19. If I were Casper, I'd be less worried about what the neighbor thinks and more worried about what CBRGirl would do to him.
  20. Is that a threat or a promise? Does that replace the kick to the junk or is that in addition to?
  21. I haven't been lately, but I know what you're talking about. It seems a slight incline (1-2%) reduces the stress on bone from all the pounding and doesn't really make it more difficult to run @ pace. I used to crank it up to around 10% incline and walk at around 4.3mph (like an uphill climb), then reduce the incline to around 5.5% and jog at a 7mph-ish pace, then take it all the way down to 0% and run at 8.5mph and just keep doing intervals of that. Running is overrated though
  22. jbot -- didn't you read? He's been on moar harder core-er? forums than this. I bet he pwns people on 4chan all the time - like a boss.
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