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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I hope you didn't take advantage of that socialist safety net the gov't provided you before you got your new employment -- ya know, those extended unemployment benefits. Congrats.
  2. That's a great flick.
  3. Saw that on Jalopnik. Pretty crazy (and stupid).
  4. Do you even read what you write? How do you know we're the best? Ohh, by COMPARING ourselves to the rest of the world. And lemme tell you before you take your rose colored glasses off -- we aren't the best in a lot of categories.
  5. http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2367/are-u-s-taxes-low-compared-to-the-rest-of-the-industrialized-world Haven't vetted the article or source, but according to that, US taxes on the whole are comparatively low. Quitcherbitchin'
  6. I need to quit putting my quips in my long diatribes then... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=548454&postcount=14
  7. Why the insistence on labels? I try to treat everyone as an individual. I also try not to put a blanket "label" on anyone until they start labeling themselves and others. I don't WANT a label.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk8eJh4i8Lo
  9. Well, I can only speak for myself which is pretty disconcerting when you get labeled and written off, since I tend to be one of the token "liberals", which isn't an accurate label.
  10. And my point was, even if it was ON ground zero, the Constitution still applies. Now, if you want to get into a discussion on secularism, we can do that too. I'd much prefer to not even have to discuss religious buildings and where they should/should not be placed. Should a Catholic church be placed next to a little kids playground? I dunno - given their history. See, the "Where is it located?" debate is just dumb. That's still up in the air... I don't know enough about the details to make a determination either way. I don't have any better argument than "wait and see" since I don't have experience with how these "Community Centers" work. Regardless -- it's private property and if that's what they want... then so be it. You can't discriminate against a group of people just because another group of people did you wrong. Where has anyone said that, "it was meant for black powder rifle defense of the redcoats."? Besides this is apples/oranges comparing where a religious building should be placed to healthcare or the Right to Bear arms. If you want to turn this into a healthcare of gun control debate we can do that, but I thought you wanted to stick to the topic?
  11. Says the conservatives. But I can agree with this. The Constitution is location specific? It's a community center. Whatever that means. Like the guy who wrote the Cracked article points out - You don't call St. Mary's Hospital a church, just because it has a chapel in it, do you? I dunno who's picking and choosing except the conservatives... Especially considering ORDN, I think most of the people deemed "liberal" are proud and responsible gun owners.
  12. 3 Reasons the “Ground Zero Mosque” Debate Makes No Sense
  13. Cee-Lo has got a great voice. The stuff he's done solo, his appearance as a character on the Brak Show, and Gnarles Barkley. Good stuff. He's alright in my book.
  14. I don't have sound right now, but is this the same story? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HtwL9XAvlU
  15. Where did you get it from? I bet my dad would be willing to purchase it, if it's reasonably priced.
  16. I'm at a loss on how to reset the TPS though w/o that Scan tool. The service manual says "Use the Scan tool to...." But I've forwarded the links to this thread and the badweb thread to my dad for him to peruse.
  17. Really? Recognized truth? What other "recognized truths" do you subscribe to? Sounds like you're one of those that "if it gets repeated enough times, and I hear it enough times, then it must be true"... Did you know Glenn Beck allegedly raped and murdered a girl in 1990?
  18. A few days? How about you just give a rough "back of the envelope" estimate that even gets you close with some assumptions before you go through the effort. I have a feeling the flag will be raised before you have to go through all that. Save us all some time.
  19. Are you really a DJ -- like as a career? Do you like chicken wings and cocaine?
  20. Then you'll have TWO bikes held together by stickers.
  21. I have that same manual Seems they want to bone you into getting the "Scanalyzer" tool into doing anything regarding diagnosing FI issues. And at the opening line. Thanks for cross posting if for me though... I'll keep an eye on it
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