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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. You go right on ahead using your weasel words and phrases, it makes for a very weak argument. Some do, some don't. And this is once again the same tired argument that just because you're not against something, you assume people are for it. I never heard you say you're against babies eating lead, so therefore you OBVIOUSLY must support it. I wonder where the cult de Jesus gets their money? I've never seen God personally slip a pastor a couple Benjamins. So, you support a Gulf filled with oil? You're one of those, "well, you might break a few eggs when you make an omelette"-types eh? Oil ain't eggs. I don't care what political view you sanction, you'd condone the spill as "acceptable" just because you drive a vehicle? What does politics have ANYTHING to do w/ it? How can you consider the gulf spill as an acceptable cost of having petro-burning vehicles? Especially when we can have that WITHOUT pouring oil all over the gulf? Hmm, I know liberals are the ONLY ones that shove their viewpoints down your throat. Ok, name ALL the things Obama and the "liberals" took away from you that you can no longer do because of them? Exactly. That's because it's all bull.
  2. Ohio police dog dies after being left in hot car Very preliminary information... but lets play the "Jump to conclusions" game. Aaannnnnd.... Go!
  3. No. I'm playing "perspective". And, if you don't learn history you're doomed to repeat it. Most of the tunnel-vision neo-cons just can't accept anything but 100% what they foolishly think is right. There is some middle-ground. The opposition isn't 100% "evil".
  4. The kittens aren't laughing...
  5. That site is bullspit... it's citations are of other articles ON the SITE without proper citations. Guess how credible that is... Chevysoldier rapes kittens [1] Cites: [1] JRMMiii
  6. Obama does it: Waste of $600M to the socialist gov't regime to add more illegals Bush does it: True American Republican who is tough on immigration and national security. Got it.
  7. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-august-10-2010/municipal-land-use-hearing-update
  8. Please tell me you're sarcastic.
  9. http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0813/obama-signs-600m-border-security-bill-law/ Incredible as well!
  10. Are you taking the 2008 ZX-10R or the 2009 Buell City X next to your avatar?
  11. You might be blind. Consult an optometrist.
  12. Since when are power wheelies not enough for people? Go buy a 114 tooth sprocket.
  13. You could probably borrow some union guys' boat to get there
  14. Employee of the Month (not the one with Dane Cook, the one with Christina Applegate) Spun American History X Tommy Boy Super Troopers
  15. I just had this same dilemma. I'm used to running the Power 2CTs and the traction I get from them... it was suggested by some of the guys I ride with that know my riding style that I probably wouldn't be better on the Road2's only because I'm used to the feel and traction of the PP 2cts. Another comparison is looking at it like it's cheap insurance - too much traction isn't hurting anything. Too little when you need it most... and well, it's not worth the durability. I spent most of my time commuting, but the occasional times I'd ride down south, I was happy with the PP 2cts. I got 4600 miles from my rear, and I'm still working on the front -- 2003 Suz SV1000S.
  16. Anyone who owns a boat is overpaid.
  17. An SV with knobbies is the best bike for everything. Period. http://forum.svrider.com/showthread.php?t=114740
  18. It's hard to bust Inya's, r1's or Cleave's balls when they're all in each others' mouths. You all should just get it over with and bone. Relieve the tension. Cock and balls, free bump.
  19. I don't find those comments that amusing... A lot of them are made by cops or wanna-be cops and even if they're speaking from emotion, with their viewpoints, a lot of them shouldn't have a badge. This is probably one of the only reasonable comments I read: maybe this one too
  20. I don't have anything to add other than this was on the homepage, which I thought was ironic. Bikers taunt bleeding cop after wreckA state trooper is cut off and intentionally wrecked, then taunted by bikers as he lay trapped, injured, and bleeding. No dashcam thanks to budget cuts
  21. That's because its a 650 Vtwin... has nothing to do with the gearing
  22. That's fine. I conveniently just came into a bunch of money... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=543263&postcount=61
  23. People appreciating subtitles are OK in my book I don't care what Casper PMs me about you.
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