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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. It's not. This crowd is full of a bunch of :snarky:s
  2. That's honestly the first thing I thought of too. I watch too much TV.
  3. Harley riders - be nice to the new metric bike guy, alright?
  4. Ohh snap, he played the Harley card on your rice rocket adventure bike riding ass!!
  5. Yea, I get that... but who is "They".... is "They" anyone important? "They" isn't the Japanese gov't (unless I misread something). It sounds more like it's political activist nobodies to me.
  6. Safety feature. It keeps the owner from operating the vehicle in an unsafe (see: any) manner. Thanks BMW
  7. Apology after girl's lemonade stand shut down http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100806/ap_on_fe_st/us_lemonade_fracas;_ylt=AsH6w0Klrc6Jtqxro2M5iirtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJqbjFhbzd0BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODA2L3VzX2xlbW9uYWRlX2ZyYWNhcwRjcG9zAzEEcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDYXBvbG9neWFmdGVy This was in Oregon though...
  8. Ya'll do realize that was from an episode in May, right? Your outrage is about 3 months overdue.
  9. How I Convinced Fanboys My Civic Was A Rare Ford
  10. I love SS discussions. Now, who here is on Social Security so we can get their opinion?
  11. Soooooomebody didn't read the article they posted....
  12. Wow... can you spot the SUV in there?
  13. Great, more ugly ass fat pig vtwin "sportbikes"
  14. And, it's gotta backseat for Kay and her kid too!
  15. I will speak for you. What should I say?
  16. Good luck to you getting out of bed tomorrow good sir.
  17. Ohh god. I did plyo on Monday, and ran 8 miles on the treadmill tonight hoping to loosen up the hamstrings. Didn't work. :I am a sore puppy:
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