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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I was coming back from the dragstrip on the 'busa (they just canceled the evening racing on account of the storm). Rt 20E. Flat, basically straight. I was rolling on a decent clip to outrun the storm - it was HEAVY drops, but sprinkling, you know when you get that 2-3 minute window before it completely lets loose.... I was rolling ahead of the storm in that zone. I just looked off to the north toward horizon and huge streaks of lighting covering the sky throughout the whole 40 minute ride home. I was basically alone on the flat stretch, until I got passed by a guy on a BMW 1200 (I think) about halfway home - also trying to outrun the storm. I kept pace with him the rest of the way, just shy of triple digits all while enjoying the lightning. Seriously, it was epic. I had all those songs going through my head, "Thunderstruck", "Thunder Rolls", "Wanted Dead or Alive"... like i said, it was the peak experience I've ever had riding. Me, my machine, and evil mother nature shared a moment.
  2. The rain blows, but the coolest riding experience I ever had was riding at night in a thunderstorm. Lightning at night + Speed = teh awsumz
  3. Word on the street is they may be raffling off a Harley now too... maybe
  4. I may have a solution. When I get the link I'll PM it to you because I don't want it floating around on these visitor messages - Google can search these.

    Yes, the entire tail section will have to come off, btw.

  5. Good feedback, except for Kevin. Kevin can't get his mind off something to holster his cock.
  6. I'm not licensed to operate in the state, but as a friend, I can help people apply the 'drops'.
  7. I shouldn't have looked. Lose a few cool points because it's not the orange flavored one for '03.
  8. Zed1k, that's a hot ride. I might be able to tolerate him after all. (It takes me awhile to warm up to people).
  9. Are you making him ride bitch on your bike?
  10. Unless you're making $200k+, I don't think your tax dollars will be subsidizing a lot - at least from what I understand on the tax structures. In fact, you might be one who's being subsidized? I'm waiting for all our ORDN members making $200k+/yr to start voicing their complaints about how rough they have it, and won't be able to put food on their plates because they're subsidizing lazy good for nothing people making less than $200k/yr.
  11. BF? You have a hot Best Friend that rides too?
  12. LASIK may be safer than contact lenses http://www.lasiksurgerynews.com/news/lasik-safety-contacts-oct06.shtml Of course I don't know how unbiased that site is... everything that says lasik is safer than contacts is on a pro-lasik site. And everything that says the opposite is on an anti-lasik site. There's no neutral middle ground. The FDA doesn't have that data. I'm debating about doing one eye at a time, just to see how it 'takes' for me.
  13. TLC is the place that's partnered with my insurer, but the costs are nearly identical. I get a 15% "discount" for using TLC, but really that just brings it inline with what the market is. Being an elective surgery, nothing is covered by my vision plan - this is all out of pocket (or HSA) in my case. One thing that worries me about TLC is their stability as a company. TLC Vision, Tiger Woods Sponsor, Files for Bankruptcy http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aR89dyLAW6X4 Going to be awful hard to honor a lifetime touch up warranty, if the company doesn't exist. I guess I don't know how that would work?
  14. You know what REALLY boggles the mind. Explain this: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/dcnow/2010/03/obamas-poll-numbers-gallup-healthcare-.html
  15. The guy was assaulted - he was punched. Biting the man's thumb was an act of retaliation/self-defense - odd way to retaliate, but stranger things have happened. So, who started it? Try again. http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-finger-bitten-rally,0,7135717.story
  16. Ohh yea, I remember why I'm bitter... I read this article (Reppin' Columbus Ohioans ) Stay classy Columbus. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/23/opinion/23herbert.html But didn't seek out the videos because I didn't feel like wanting to smack a baby holding a puppy with a flaming baseball bat. Then one of my buddies actually sent me links to the videos. Sad how despicable people are. It's one thing to think it, it's another to say it, and then there's this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ik4f1dRbP8 Did I mention the guy is a former Nuclear Engineer with 2 Masters degrees? Not some low-life mooching off the system. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfvnNzgQy7Q
  17. I think you're confusing a 'bleeding heart' with 'economics'. There's a myriad of reasons why this bill is a good thing, and many of them have nothing to do with 'caring about the poor' and more about cost effectiveness. But, apparently it's not good enough for some to just appreciate the lifestyle they lead and the things they have that they have to look down upon the poor, uneducated, miserable lives others' choose to lead. Ignorance is bliss after all, and if they don't realize how sad their existences are and are happy with them - more power to them. I mean, there's always going to be a pecking order in life, and someone has to end up on the bottom right? If they're happy there, what's it matter to me? Nothing I can do other than give them the opportunity to help themselves if they want to. I don't really deal with the welfare crowd regularly, but it makes me feel better that those people you're talking about are getting some of their money taken from them and put towards something more responsible - if not for them, for their plethora of kids. These are exactly the type of people who need choices taken away from them because the choices they make cost ALL OF US in the long term. (And that statement just killed any chance I have at holding any political office for my lifetime, especially taken out of context). Granted, everyone has their own story, excuse, reason, tragedy, whatever that explains why they are the way they are so it's wrong to group individuals into being 'those people', but realistically, 'those people' exist and are an economic burden on the system. The issue is, these poor people that you're referring to, dmagicglock, are getting health care regardless, and we're still all paying for them in the exorbitant fees hospitals have to charge the people who do have insurance to cover the cost of those that stiff them on the bills. So, these people should ante up SOMETHING, and because they won't - the gov't is finally forcing the issue on them. I'm not really concerned about them drinking and smoking themselves to death because they can't get their 'fix' in a hospital bed, so they'll insist they be discharged ASAP and end up killing themselves because of the unhealthy choices they make anyway. I'm just on a bitter rant now. I need to stop...
  18. Consult is free. My g/f had it done a few months ago and loves it. I made the mistake of researching this and the more I read the more it's a little scary. The ultimate Lasik-biased site (against): http://www.lasikcomplications.com/ But, really, my vision is bad enough to where even if it wasn't corrected to 20/20 (20/40 maybe), it'd still be a major improvement. The only issue is right now my contacts/glasses correct it to 20/15... once you do Lasik, it throws a wrench into "correcting the laser correction" already.
  19. Thoughts, opinions, complications from anyone? My consultation is Friday @ Lasikplus, then I'm going to decide whether I want it or not. If I get it, it'll be the 'works': -Laser cut flap -Custom wavefront
  20. @ Jeremi And if I understand IP's statement, this healthcare bill would be legal if they didn't fine anyone and just decided to tax everyone? Instead of 'old people welfare' like Medicare, we'll call it "fat, lazy, American tax". Or the "Cheetos luxury tax". I'm just trying to figure out ways this wouldn't violate the Constitution, and that would be a way, correct?
  21. I just reread the thread. It took 13 pages to narrow down a date AND location 4/3 @ QSL Valley View at noon for food. 2PM for ride. And we're still figuring out where to.
  22. We could...but we won't. You never explained your name, but I think I get it now. What wouldn't Holly do?
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