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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I think it's even funnier when people can't tell the difference between a parody/hoax site and reality. Hint: Glenn Beck really didn't rape a girl in 1990, but if you say it enough times on the internet, it must be true. http://gwsuperfan.blogspot.com/2009/10/glenn-becks-red-phone.html
  2. At least I didn't rape a girl in 1990. http://gb1990.com http://1990truth.org/
  3. No. It's about this conservative Glenn Beck style some of you guys have about labeling people. I support Obama's stance on a few issues and all of a sudden - he's my hero, I'm on his jock, I think he's the 'best thing ever'. Jon Stewart did a pretty funny montage on Glenn Beck-ism style of grouping people and taking things to extremes last night on the Daily Show, I wish you would've seen it. Ohh wait... here it is. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/19/jon-stewart-glenn-beck-parody_n_505329.html Don't be Glenn Beck.
  4. As long as they're entertaining someone. It takes a toll on my rep acting like a dick all the time if it's not even amusing.

  5. That's cool, but I'll have to stick with MJ. I have trust issues, and with you being gone a lot as a pilot, it's inevitable your leg would be getting humped by many more than just me. I still think we could be friends though. Unless you're ugly.
  6. What's your major? I need to figure out if I need to switch legs from MJ to you. I independent chicks with earning potential.
  7. I've waved at some '76s and '78s, but there's something about those '77s that just rub me the wrong way. You know I'm j/k already, because I love UJMs (ala CBXs) and even the current ZX's...
  8. UJM owners get no love. Their existence is sad and lonely.
  9. Disclaimer

    Friday 3/19

    Maybe next week for me.
  10. Your landlord didn't cause your pregnancy. So I dunno how you're going to pin that 'inconvenience' on her.
  11. You probably can now... since it's been shut off. Tell her you'll put the rent into escrow until she gives you proof the bills been paid each month
  12. You guys give me ideas. If I had more time and less brains... or, less time and more brains? Wait, what?
  13. You gotz beef with your carrier?
  14. No, make me a new one.

  15. I'm sure he did, but 1) He's not my 'hero' and 2) What context was it in? Context is pretty important. Why should he worry about the procedural rules? He's the President, not a Congressman anymore. You don't worry about things outside your job scope do you? I don't worry about what the rules the Finance Dept and Supply Base have to follow when I have to get Engineering tasks done. I do my job, and follow whatever procedures I'm responsible for, outside of that it might matter and something I should be cognizant of, but not something I'm going to worry about.
  16. What's it made out of?

  17. 'Slippery slope' arguments are rarely, if ever, valid. You had to go there.... I'll spare you my rant this time.
  18. Like Pauly said... if you want to just fill out the requirements, fine - but don't think your privacy is protected. I'm guessing that the additional information really just helps them link all their 'databases' together quicker and more accurately. I've got no reason to hide, yet. So, I'll oblige them. Besides, if 200 years from now someone is researching how awesome I am, they can go through census data and find me (seriously though, a lot of people use it for genealogical data as it's made public after 72 years, I believe?)
  19. The Bizarre Japanese Sport Of Tandem Scooter Racing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhWKBjtZPcc&feature=player_embedded
  20. I wonder the same thing.. they could track me if they wanted. I suppose because it allows them to track some 'undocumented people' and it's much easier to convince them to fill it out, if EVERYONE has to fill it out. I really don't know, but it's definitely a good guise if you want to show people you're not singling them out.
  21. I don't follow the tin foil hats. The video refers to people knocking at my door. I've never seen these people yet, I'll deal with that if it happens, and wouldn't tell them anything that isn't in the public domain already. I just got the written survey, took 5 minutes to fill it out, and sent it back. There's NOTHING on that form that a gov't agency doesn't already have if you own property, receive a W2 each year, or have State Issued ID card. With the exception of your race, maybe. Regardless, I get the whole standing up for your rights and "If it's not in the Constitution, I don't hafta"-thing, but it's not like they don't already have that information. So I hope you guys aren't disillusioned into thinking that your privacy is being protected by not giving your name when they've already got your address. BTW, looking at the "Matrix News Network" site. Ummm, yea... This is where they link from their "Important Links" site on "News" Make of it what you want, but it seems like some fringe leftist group... to be fair though, they do have a "News for the Right" that links to the Drudgereport.com.
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