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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Asking people to do anything right is asking too much. Sad, but that's what the world is coming to. Once you find someone you can do business with that isn't a 'f*(k up'... hold onto that business relationship with your life (assuming it's not a commodity business)
  2. All problems are solved when you don't have kids Probably too late for you to have a 54th trimester abortion. Seriously though... that's tough, my parents had it easy with me and my sibs (save for my sister who's currently on a 'failure to launch' path, post college). The best comparison I personally have is my dad vs. my uncle. Same family, but my uncles' a deadbeat. And maybe I'm an emotionless prick, but there comes a point where you've given people as many opportunities as you could and they still don't want help. They chose the rough life for themselves. If it makes you feel better, vote Democrat so you'll know he's got all those social safety nets that'll catch him when you kick his ass out the door.
  3. I wonder which one is your favorite?
  4. I hope you record those conversations... because that person telling you you're covered ISN'T the same person that signs the check when you make a claim... I bet they don't even go to lunch together.
  5. Sounds like we need a sarcasm symbol for the board because the isn't sufficient enough for some people. Speaking of, did you know Glenn Beck may've raped and murdered a girl in 1990?
  6. Next time I'm on a supplier visit, I'll see if I can rustle up some trouble and get another one. It'll only cost you bail money.
  7. State issued when you're arrested in Minnesota.
  8. OTOH, you have to admit it is kinda nice there are so many of 'those people'. Makes it really easy to look good in comparison.
  9. Photobomb them. Or join in and photograph that. Somewhere, there are photos involved. Just crop out the cock - you can send that to max power outside the thread, in PMs.
  10. How the Health Care Overhaul Could Affect You Major ways the overhaul will affect those who currently have health insurance and those who do not. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/03/21/us/health-care-reform.html
  11. Sweet, when does the new Blast come out?
  12. No, Todd just doesn't know the difference between a scar and a callous. Todd's 'scar' on his member matches his 'scar' on the palm of his right hand.
  13. You've been hanging out with Todd#43 in his fortified minority-proof bunker haven't you?
  14. Ahh the slippery slope argument again I see. And you're right, I'm super pissed I don't have a slave mowing my yard and tending my garden while I drink mint julep, ya hear.
  15. So... is the sky still falling? Or... what are we doing in this thread now?
  16. Why don't we just let God sort this all out?? Trade the scalpels for sanctuaries, sit back and let what happens, happen.
  17. I do like the integrated signals. My g/f's bike just had the stock ones.
  18. I think the lesson here is: I need to start looking more gift horses in the mouth
  19. And that's why there's penalties and fines for ridin' dirty like that too (if you get caught). You can't prevent it, but can deter it. You can go without health insurance, just don't get caught. Can't be that hard... just don't ever get sick or injured.
  20. All companies have the goal to find the LCCS Strategy. This would've been done regardless of the bill. The bottom line is the company will making sourcing decisions based on making products as low cost as they can get, while trying to balance the COPQ and Logistics costs for doing so. The only difference here is where the additional funds from the profit maximization exercise are going. Taxes, in this case.
  21. The libertarian me likes that, but the practical me says there's no f*(king way that would work given the rampant excuses the public has for being inbetween coverages or whatever. Hypothetically. Lets say you choose not to carry health insurance, and you're T-boned by someone. The medics on scene have to make a call whether to treat you or not - by not carrying insurance, there's no guarantee they'll get paid, nor will the hospital. The accident wasn't your fault, but they don't know that. The cops on scene are still gathering statements from witnesses and reconstructing the accident. So, do they treat you under the assumption you have insurance, or do they not? Does the 'at fault' party have to carry additional insurance to pay for medical bills for the 'under insured' other party? What if the accident was YOUR fault? You made your bed by choosing no insurance, you wanna lie in it now? I mean, there's so many what-if's that are eliminated if you make the assumption people are covered.
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