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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Ohh Paul, you're so clever with your posting of e-mail forwards and whatnot. Makes me laugh and you probably don't even know why.
  2. Next time a customer comes in an asks for the works. Do the $25 scrub first, take the pic, and finish with your $150 'goodness' and snap another photo. Then we can see the same bike with the $25 scrub, and a $150 scrub side by side.
  3. yea, it's been going around. And I know IP preaches the States rights vs. Federal rights (States have power to do anything that the Feds aren't explicitly written to do in the Constitution). But, you also have Fed law trumping State law. So you can argue that to you're blue in the face, but regarding health care... what grounds to the states have? I guess my question is, what's the difference between this and Medicare/Medicaid? You're forced to pay for that, and I've been since I started in the workforce... if that's legal (or if it's not, we've had decades to challenge it, and it's still successfully in place), why isn't this healthcare bill?
  4. ::grunt&sigh::...and I'm spent. Hollywood is pretty good. I think I wore her out though, I'm not sure if she'll be back in this thread tonight.
  5. Don't do it, unless you plan on keeping it forever. The all silver is sexy baby, c'mon, leave her alone.
  6. Did I hear someone putting the pussy on a pedestal in here?
  7. You apparently haven't done your research. The Sun has had an anti-Japanese agenda ever since they started squinting at it.
  8. well, then you can ride wherever.
  9. How loud do you thump?
  10. Twins roll in the back, together.
  11. Wait, you mean they don't use coax to run signal/power to everything in the car? ZOMFG!
  12. ?? Did you make us all chocolate chip cookies, woman?
  13. I rock my M&P with pride. It's no twin glock forty's with my pants on da ground, but I like it.
  14. I'm an EE. Windshield wipers wouldn't do shit without an electric motor. But no, I've never designed a 'linkage'.
  15. Necessity is the mother of invention, and boy you broads are needy bitches.
  16. You're going beyond the scope of the original application when I said that. Fighting fire with fire may not have been the appropriate cliche, maybe it would've been better if I said 'what's good for the goose is good for the gander' - I only meant it was applicable to ignoring public opinion on policy. If its OK for Cheney and Bush, it's OK for Obama and Pelosi. I also said "two wrongs don't make a right", but there's only so many times that you can let your opposition make 'errors in judgment' and then turn around and have them expect you to 'turn the other cheek' and let the GOP slide in how they run things, but expect the Dems to still take the high road. Besides, I thought it was the 'religious right' for a reason, they should be the one turning the other cheek. Regardless, both parties are hypocritical in that respect. The debate is over what context are they hypocritical and what is the gravity of the situation. We've kinda taken this off topic, but you know why terrorism works? Because it creates fear. This is also why the Republicans were so good at pushing their unregulated agendas because fear is such a powerful motivator. Luckily now, some people are starting to realize that fear is a political tactic and 'wolf' can only be cried so many times before it loses it's effect. I'm no expert in psychological warfare, but can you definitively say we were better off attacking Iraq and starting this war on terror? I wonder sometimes how it would've played out if we would've stood as a country in the face of such tragedy and bravely rebuilt those towers, at a record pace, in defiance of such cowardly terror. I think doing that, US on the world stage, would show a lot more strength and character than spending billions upon billions to fight this war (attacking the wrong country for false reasons). We would still beef up our security in/out of the country, but we wouldn't have had to endure the cost of this war, or lose the lives of so many of our men and women. I mean, what's the cost/benefit? We lost how many civilian lives? How many military lives? We still haven't caught Bin Laden, and the terrorism still hasn't stopped (and it never will, until people give up religion and just fight over tangible things). So, are you happy with the 'bang for the buck' we got? I'm not. Costs FAR outweigh the benefits. /end rant
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te3T60ryDYA
  18. You still don't get it. Attacking Iraq because of Al Qaeda is like punching your sister because you got hit by your weird uncle. YES, waging war under false pretenses is WRONG no matter how you slice it. I have no clue how you're connecting health care and helping people(helping our own), to a war we got mired into under false information to liberate a country that didn't ask for it. What's the 'so what', of that statement? All presidents have debt, that's just a financial instrument and means nothing if you pay off your obligations. A deficit is a snapshot of your fiscal (ir)responsibility in time. I'll let you take a guess at which one is more important to future generations. Yea, from my first link you didn't bother to read
  19. 3-4 hours!? You're not gonna make it w/ us little lady. It's a good 1.5hrs to the meet spot, then we ride until dark time. At least you're not on a Katana though, word on the street is there's a Coshocton Curse on Katanas.
  20. Yea, because preemptive invasion of a country is the same as retaliation for getting sucker punched by Japan. Now you're just being silly and extremist... Funny how you forget that Clinton balanced the budget and left a surplus in office. We didn't have a debt until we waged this war under false pretenses. We didn't even focus on the right country and there's people that STILL believe, to this day, almost a decade later that Iraq was behind 9/11. Umm, no. It's usually people refusing to face fact, and general ignorance and lack of education that skews peoples views on issues. (say that three times fast)
  21. Are you the chick that broke up Sandra Bullock's marriage?
  22. Two wrongs don't make a right, but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. The difference is Health care will HELP people, versus sending them into combat to potentially die. Some more interesting links: Scary New GOP Poll http://news.yahoo.com/s/dailybeast/20100323/ts_dailybeast/7269_scarynewgoppoll Fear strikes out http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/opinion/22krugman.html
  23. 1) Public opinion doesn't matter, Cheney said so. http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/03/22/democracy 2) Some people don't think the bill was LIBERAL enough. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/03/poll-americas-opinion-of-health-care-reform-is.php 3) That's Facebook. The same place that has a fanpage on "This pickle has more fans than Nickelback" (not verbatim, but something to that effect)
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