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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. C25K - Couch to 5K (Training Program) W4D2 - Week 4, Day 2. C'mon, I know you could've figured that out. Get fat and unattractive.
  2. Holla Maybe this guy is trolling for some OR.n mancandy? Does not want, but you could PM Wheezle, he might be that desperate at this point? j/k Wheez, unless you really have switched teams, in that case I'm totally cool with it, you are who you are.
  3. Jesus Matt, if you're going to post a picture of me at the strip, the least you could do is put me on the fast bike. Ya know, the one that doesn't turn. @ RVT. She wanted to ride the SV because shouldn't couldn't stomach the RC. It's uglier than the busa. And thanks for reminding me I fail @ gear Fonz.
  4. Leaning? You're supposed to lean?
  5. Train wins! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QenN5DVuLtw Snow wins! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF2ZPRmocs4
  6. And here I thought I was the only one to get excited about using it legitimately.
  7. He goes around putting his tongue on cold things. The more it sticks the colder it is. Apparently Fonzie stores liquid nitrogen in his pants because Sam was stuck there a good 3 or 4 hours last time we rode together.
  8. Build a spaceship!? You suckers can build your spaceshit. I'm waiting for the next time the ol' Hale Bopp comes around and hitching a ride in luxury. Someone fetch me my tracksuit and my koolaid.
  9. They're currently debating that in the House, but I think the GOP is running a filibuster on it. They want to change the verbiage to read so it's only applicable to MALE interns. Public gays - FTL In the closet gay congressmen - FTW
  10. "Thou shalt not bone your intern even if your wife is a frigid bitch" Commandment 14 & Article 39 of the Constitution. Didn't you know?
  11. Hey Fonz, didn't you work in the financial sector in a previous life? Numbers should be your thing mang.
  12. I'll be on around 9PM, it looks like.
  13. I should be on tonight around 8ish to level up again. Need to get to 61...
  14. Me and my huge wang, of course. :D

  15. I do that at Matt's request because he's worried if he's left alone with you, you might be tempted to give him another rimjob.
  16. As long as you're able to take one of your hands that you're clutching your boyfriend with and wave to the rest of us when you're riding, then you're ok in my book. :D
  17. Like all that stuff really happened. Next you're going to tell me there was this 'Holocaust' and that we landed on the moon 40 years ago. <I just added a little seasoning salt to your pot-stirring>
  18. I can think of about 10 things right off the top of my head that'd I'd rather spend my Friday day off doing. No one ever gets reimbursed for their time and hassle.
  19. I think all our money should have "Witness" on them
  20. Probably, we've scared away many of the penile-impared members of the site. Which is fine, I'm happy with the ones that we've already got. The ones that make it through our 'trial by fire / no one cares you're an attention whore' are much more grounded and have a good sense of humor.
  21. Someone needs to PM BusaHauty about this so she doesn't forget to join.
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