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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I totally agree that people need to adjust their lifestyles... but not ALL people who smoke get cancer, just like not all people who get cancer have smoked. Same can go down the list. I know girls that can put down more food than me and they're still wafer thin with healthy cholesterol levels. I think there are MANY exceptions, it's not just a small few when it comes to health, so until we can figure out a root cause - what do we restrict people from doing? "Ok, since you've never smoked, we'll treat your cancer. But, since you didn't wear sunscreen all the days you went outside, we won't treat you if it's skin cancer" If we can get the country healthy by changing lifestyles, great, grand... but if we start refusing to treat people for their ailments because of some pre-existing condition (i.e. you didn't run 5 miles a day everyday) - then we're back in the same boat as we are now.
  2. Another one sucked in... And trust me, that information that you will be billed is in there - the fine print. The credit reports are free... you pay the $25/mo for a "Credit Monitoring Service" Your first clue is that you NEVER should have to give a credit card or check information to something 'supposedly' free. I've never been burned by living by this rule, but I know a TON of people that bitch about that same thing. The FREE website is http://www.annualcreditreport.com/ That's the one endorsed by the FTC
  3. Now that, that was f*(king disgusting. Whoever that is, they weren't even wearing gloves.
  4. You + Garrett = teh awsum crew.

    Houdini thread FTW. :D

  5. You guys realize the sky hasn't fallen yet right? From the article... Also... read this: Medical Charts: The Senate vs. the House on Health Care Reform http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93274
  6. I'll assume you're talking about Jcroz? Like I said, I'll let it go when he grows up. He started this legacy for himself with his first impression. So if he can't take the ribbing, GTFO. If he doesn't want to be called a turd, quit being a turd.
  7. Another evolution article I stumbled upon Digg tonight.... Female Ducks Evolving to Avoid Endowed Males http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/12/female_ducks_evolving_to_avoid_endowed_males.php
  8. I'm not kosmo, but speak for yourself.
  9. Or, people can just lighten the hell up? I'd call you a Jewish Mofo to your face - tone is important.
  10. The following gauge clusters are ones I've found attractive: ZX-14 RC51 (aside from the over-the-bar fairing stays - I don't like that about the TLRs either) Current gen KTM Superduke / RC8 Ducati 1098 Buell 1125CR/R
  11. What sensitive types? Are you talking about the tightass conservative religious zealots or the cry-baby bleeding heart liberals?
  12. OR.n is the 'clan name' I had ORDN, but I was an outcast.
  13. Are you seriously that ignorant and sheltered? I have TONS of links to share that show otherwise. A lot of that is Republican obstructionism, and if people told you to change the way you do things, you'd be ok with changing your life overnight? Gimme a break, four years is a ramp up period to get shit in order before 'go-live'. You don't have a lot of project management background do you? It's not manufactured, the budget projections show we can't even support our military at current level in the next 30 years. You even said later in your post that it's 1/6th the GDP, well, it's rising, so what do we do when it's 50% of the GDP And I can't imagine any other manufactured 'crisis'... War on Terror, War on Drugs So, in the present system, it's ethical to pay for health insurance for 30 years (with minimal level of care) and then once you're diagnosed with cancer, they drop you - take all that money you've paid in and they've made PROFIT off of, and run? You want to talk about ethics, then a FOR-PROFIT health care system does not belong in there. You're scared of information? You'd rather base your decisions on your 'gut feel' and 'what you've been told'... See, blanket statements like 'common sense' and 'terrible track record' once you start LOOKING for them, don't usually appear. Where is this 'terrible track record' you speak of? from who? That's a fear mongering blanket statement with no basis.
  14. -1, I like them there. In fact, those are the only ones I click on when viewing the live feed.
  15. When you motorboat that, does loose change, gummi bears, Slim Jim's, or dirty garage rags fall out?
  16. Because you're a black liberal?
  17. I'll have you know, wikipedia says Lorain county is 16.2% black. So if you're the only two.. then you need to correct the entry.
  18. I'm going to do something EXTRA liberal for you tonight. No homo.
  19. It's not like you won't be able to tell it's him... he'll be the driving the v6 mustang with the supercharger whine.
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