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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. http://ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=396479&postcount=38

    Wait for it...... whatever he says I'm quoting it because I'm banking on it being completely ignorant. Maybe he needs a set of Mustangopedias.

  2. lol...wut? I'm not the one modding up my V6 that still wouldn't touch a stock V8. If your parents were so strict into making you get a V6 (because you were only 16 and immature, but obviously three years later, you've made a drastic change in your maturity level ), why would they let you waste money on a supercharger for it to make it quicker? Then he should quote me in that thread. Besides, these new 'Mods' need to do some damn work. C'mon Fonz, clean this shit up.
  3. A V6 mustang != all the other V6's you mentioned. Especially not a GN . Not only that, but all those other V6s were the highest performance option you can get (And no, the 305 V8 you could get in the old regals, does NOT trump the V6). When you could get a V8 mustang, or V8 F-body, why mess with a V6? I see what you did there. Ass. Solid advice, but kids still gotta pay for his mistakes. I'll be done giving him shit when I'm confident he's changed his immature ways.
  4. So your parents wouldn't let you get a v8 'stang, but they loaned you the money for a two-wheeled death machine that you're popping 4" wheelies on the second time you rode it? Got it. I hope you're an only child.
  5. Please rephrase your question again, I want to really make sure I understand what you're asking.
  6. 1) You're still a n00b here that dug himself into quite a big hole, so you will be tested every chance we feel like until the general population on here have decided you've dug yourself out of the hole. Especially the shots you took at shitty, he's probably got more worldly knowledge and experience in his left hand than you do in your life. 2) You're selling car parts on a motorcycle forum - fine if you were more of a senior member, but you're not. 3) Once again, you prove your 'wanna be' status with your first car choices, and your "i paid cash" statement. No one is impressed. I paid cash for my first car too, big deal, but I guarantee you it cost less than what you paid for yours. And no, I didn't mod it, and didn't buy it to mod it. You need to watch how they say it. Language and tone are important to know whether they're legitimately complimenting you, or they're smiling and nods and giving you feedback just so you'll shut up and go away talking about your souped up v6. Your welcome for the free bumps
  7. Who are you kidding? Anything short of what you thought was a cool pussy-magnet car just wouldn't do for you. Your whip needs to be as fly as the honey's you catch. Used, but still pretty on the outside for the mileage, with not a lot under the hood.
  8. Are you still sucking on the mommy and daddy money tits? I thought you were a baller? My parents don't get to say what I can and can't have when they're not storing it, paying for it, or the insurance for it (though I've heard about your past dealing with insurance, so you probably saved yourself some monies right there). You realize you would've been well enough ahead if you didn't HAVE to have a Mustang as a first car, right? Let alone spent money to mod it - but of course that doesn't fit with the baller lifestyle.
  9. tomorrow? what about tonight? I'm going on a 7PM to 4AM marathon again
  10. I'll bump this (lucky you) so someone else can shit on your thread. I'll refrain from saying anything tacky, for now.
  11. Dude the free for all levels you up HARDCORE. Parks needs to link the explanation to how that works... I've got 40 levels to go!
  12. Thats crazy expensive, you can almost ge a box of hookers for that now-a-days. Srsly though, Fin probably has it, but you'll be driving 2.5 hours to get it
  13. Since this thread has run it's course. Spoiler info for those that even care anymore. Here's the background info: Summers v. Tice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summers_v._Tice Causation Law (Summers v. Tice Rule) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causation_%28law%29
  14. And sometimes I just like to enjoy peoples displaced outrage. In fact, I'm upset right now at my electric company for not putting a new roof on my house. Uncle Sam says: Then, you don't make enough money.
  15. Count me in...let me know when... I'm available mostly all break. Once back to work, it'll have to be after 7PM
  16. for real, i was looking forward to this today.
  17. I agree... all the 90's bikes from all the manufacturers had pretty much gawd awful color/sticker schemes. Like r1crushers ZX-7 he posted... I could never bring myself to own something that color. Once again, it's all your personal tastes though... there's people that hate on my copper colors, whatev. I just punch them in the temple and piss on their unconscious bodies and go about my day.
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