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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Just like you said. You set it up where you can donate to "food", "Shelter", "Day care", "After school activities", etc. and lastly "Spiritual Guidance / Biblical Education" Charity is all the aforementioned (assuming the day care and after school programs are non-profit) Selfish concern for your immortal soul falls into the latter and should be taxed.
  2. Going back to the IP point of "taxation with representation" How is the church not being represented? Assuming everyone of their constituents has the power to vote... the taxes that would fall upon the church are the same that would fall upon a small business. The small business has as much representation as a church does as far as the individuals that frequent the business or church - that's where the vote is. Unless you're suggesting that everyone that goes to church isn't being fairly represented? Would any of you give up your right of representation if you weren't taxed at an individual level?
  3. Good luck, well wishes, and whatnot.
  4. Church of Socialism. Everyone's lives are easier comrade.
  5. WTF is up with people transporting all those mattresses so perilously strapped to their vehicles?
  6. Is that sarcasm, or did you not bother clicking the link to know we're talking about a 3 series car?
  7. nom, I'd like to woof that food down right meow.
  8. 1) You're doing it wrong 2) You're doing it wrong 3) You're doing it wrong 3 times
  9. My cubicle is filled with the sounds of laughter.
  10. That's because Bill Gates is a racist.
  11. You don't need that aerodynamic cowl when you're popping whoolies. Here: Put that on where the cowl should be, you may get 5 or 6" instead of your usual 4".
  12. Annnnnnnnnnnnd.... just got the e-mail informing me it's backordered.
  13. That's a cool article. Said they're using the original 26hp mill... must be out of the ZX6R.
  14. That's why he bought it in the factory 'panty dropper black' color.
  15. I'll have to see what "group" I signed up for updates from and think about switching. I'm sure I'll get another e-mail in a couple days to tell me nothing's going on.
  16. I signed up for that meetup.com thing years ago... nothing ever got started.
  17. Sage advice. There's tons of imaginary rep in it for you if you accomplish that feat.
  18. I'm off work from 12/16/09 until 1/4/10.... So, Thursday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday... make it happen on some day other than Xmas Eve, Xmas, or NYE. Tons of options, preferably before Xmas though.
  19. The only way I could rationalize it is if her cinnamon ring was worth $25k. But for $25k, I wouldn't want to have to share it.
  20. Yes, there was tax... so I assume whereever it's shipping from must be in OH? I should get it quick then, right?
  21. I'm in for this... confirmed order for $44.82 shipped to my door. I'll see you bitches online for a little CoD:MW2 in a few days!!!!
  22. Sorry bro. She only dates guys with fast bikes and yellow trucks. You have neither.
  23. Srsly. I didn't realize how rich and fiscally savvy pizza guys were. This is why I can't date 18-21yr olds anymore. They're fun to look at and hop in the sack with, but their rationale and lack of problem solving ability drives me INSANE. And they say women mature faster than guys *Sry to all the womenfolk on here - there are many exceptions to the misogynistic views which I express, and I love you ladies that are the exceptions. I seek your type out.
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