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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. 6' 265lbs... he's a big boy, but not that tall. Glad to see a decisive win.
  2. I normally don't watch, but I will say the Kimbo fight sucked. Playing ring-around the rosy for 3 rounds I mean, yea, sticking to the 'strategy' of working Kimbo's knee, but not a very exciting match for fans.
  3. "Hey Gilligan, did you eat the skipper!?"
  4. So, just to be clear... you NEED to have landline service for this.
  5. Sony. Lower ohms = MOAR POWER!! Watts is the important figure. Bigger booms. Sony: Audio Power Output : Amplifier: 1000W(RMS) / 512W(FTC), Center Speaker: 84W (FTC 0.7%THD), Center Speaker: 143W (RMS), Front Speaker: 84W x 2 ((FTC 0.7%THD), Front Speaker: 144W x 2 (RMS 10%THD), Subwoofer Speaker: 160W (FTC 0.7%THD), Subwoofer Speaker: 280W (RMS), Surround Speaker: 50W x 2 (FTC 0.7%THD ), Surround Speaker: 144W x 2 (RMS) Onkyo: Power Output - Front L/R 110 W/Channel (6 ohms, 1 kHz, FTC) Center 110 W (6 ohms, 1 kHz, FTC) Surround L/R 110 W/Channel (6 ohms, 1 kHz, FTC) Surround Back L/R - Dynamic Power 160 W (3 ohms) 125 W (4 ohms) 85 W (8 ohms) THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) 1 % (Rated power) Damping Factor 60 (Front, 1 kHz, 8 ohms) Input Sensitivity and Impedance 200 mV/47 k-ohms (Line) Output Level and Impedance 200 mV/470 ohms (Rec out) Frequency Response 20 Hz–50 kHz/ +1 dB, -3 dB (Direct mode) Tone Control ±10 dB, 50 Hz (Bass) ±10 dB, 20 kHz (Treble) Signal-to-Noise Ratio 100 dB (Line, IHF-A) Speaker Impedance 6 ohms–16 ohms Max. Input Power - Front/Center/Surround 120 W Surround Back - Subwoofer 130 W
  6. Everyone needs to get their acronyms right... HSA - Health SAVINGS account FSA - Flexible SPENDING account HRA - Health REIMBURSEMENT account HRA - your provider puts money in on Jan 1st of the plan start. That money (all $2400 or whatever you get) is there for you to spend as soon as the plan begins. In this plan, whatever money you don't use, DOES NOT get rolled over to other years. You don't use it, you lose it - and next year your balance is once again, $2400. FSA - This is like a mini account you can add money to PRE-TAX for your health care expenses. This is not a plan in itself, it's an add-on benefit to most plans. You use this account to cover what would normally be out-of-pocket expenses NOT covered under your regular plan. As with the HRA, whatever money you put on it, you lose at the end of the year - "Use it or lose it" type account. So, this is a great option to save a few dollars, but you need to forecast your health expenses each year PRIOR to setting up the account so you don't put too much money in. If your health spending is under control and you spend $500/yr on glasses/contacts and you KNOW you'll incur that expense, it's wise to use an FSA, put $500 on it, and spend that money each year. You're saving whatever that $500 would be PRE vs. POST-tax dollars (so $160? maybe). HSA - You enroll in this plan, you/your companies gives you $2400/yr to spend, but you don't get it all the day you enroll. You get $200/mo... so if you have a metric shittonne of health expenses in January (assuming you don't have money already in this account from past years) - you're boned unless you can get the people billing you to wait a few months for payment as the account gets more money. But, assuming you have an HSA and a few healthy years...the account ROLLS OVER each year. So, theoretically, 3 good years with no health expenses can net a balance of $2400x3 = $7200. That money can be invested/taken out for qualified expenses, etc. It's YOURS to take even if you switch employers - though it will get muddy if you enroll in a non-HSA plan in a new employer (that's too complex to discuss in this post). But, that $7200 is yours. Like I said, you can spend it on qualified expenses - no penalty, or you can spend it on a new flatscreen TV, but non-qualified purchases are taxed - though I'm not sure the rate - regardless trust me when I say it's a large enough rate to discourage withdrawals for non-qualified purchases. Unless you just have been healthy for the last 20yrs, just bankin' money - you probably shouldn't take the hit for a non-qualified purchase. Everyone clear? You guys don't have employers that explain all this stuff to you? We get a pamphlet every November to enroll for the new year that explains all this stuff.
  7. Methinks you don't understand how an HSA works. Pauly is on an HSA, I'm on an HSA... Wrong, you're confusing HRA with HSA. I can take the money out of my HSA for a new motorcycle if I wanted to, but I'm charged taxes for non-qualified purchases. Wrong again, once my balance hit $2000, I have the option to invest into select mutual funds or money markets. To each their own... I disagree this is a wiser option. The admin of my HSA has still negotiated in-network providers at a lower cost. Not to mention an HSA is geared toward already healthy individuals. I have ZERO copays that allow me to see the dentist 2x a year, optometrist 1x a year, and doctor once a year - for free. I workout, watch my diet, and have excellent oral hygiene, so all I've really spent over the last 3 years I've been in the plan is $300 for my glasses and contacts. It's a plan based on promoting preventative care. Not to mention that my deductible cap is $2700 out-of-pocket per year, which can all be covered by my HSA funds - so basically, something catastrophic happens, the max out-of-pocket I have to pay is $2700 - and like I said, I can cover that all with the funds in my HSA.
  8. Free market economy FTW, especially when it comes to your health! Don't worry your new premiums will allow you access to the top doctors, dentist, and optometrists in the free world, with only an slight increase in copays. You only want what's best for your family right? Regardless of cost - you can't put a price on your family's health and well being can you?
  9. Would it be considered a 'camel punch' now instead? Considering the two humps she has on her back...
  10. Invisible negative rep for that 'evening ruining' image.
  11. Ohh man, I heard the clips of that a couple years ago when it happened. I'm glad you found the clip... I could never find it. Hilarious. I guess the guy (news anchor) is a pretty uptight sheltered guy and heard someone say "skin flute" without understanding the context, then thought he'd be hip by repeating it on the air.
  12. Some form of Reparations? :D I need MOAR life advice from you.
  13. I don't like it, but getting the media involved and trying to picket this cause isn't going to help us politically. 1: "What are these people picketing?" 2: "They're against stiffer penalties for street racing" 1: "O rly?" You can try to rationalize and debate all you want, but the media isn't going to report it. They're going to report what gives them rating, and that's the story "Street Racers picket against stiffer penalties" - and queue clip of the bleeding heart story of why this bill was even introduced, cut back to picketers against cause to prevent street racing injuries and deaths. Who comes out the bad guy on this one? This is like the abortion thing. If you're not pro-life, the opposite isn't pro-choice (according to die-hard prolifers) - it's pro-baby killing. So, if you're not against street racing, you're for it. I can see how this would all play out now. The media route isn't the way to go. It's the only recourse once cops begin abusing it, because there's good ratings on 'cop abuse of power' stories, but the 'general public' (and this is a wild ass assumption) probably isn't tolerant of anything that is pro-street racing, and that's exactly what you'll be painted out to be.
  14. Ohhh, the trickery is great within you.
  15. I really don't think this is a picket line you want the media involved in. This is a 'bleeding heart' issue and they'll rake you guys over the coals and paint you out as the 'wannabe guys on crotch rockets that street race' - trust me, the media/public won't be on our side on this one. Think about the AMA response to your letter. Just keep fighting the good fight by writing letters to the General Assembly and let larger orgs take up the cause, if they dare.
  16. What are you worried about? You're on a Buell. Ohh wait, you'll be the one in the back that the cops catch while all your metric buddies take off. Ahhhhhhh... just kidding newb - or am I?
  17. Wow... I went back and read the thread.... poor DTM. But if there's anything we've learned - it's that alcohol absolves you of any personal responsibility. So, you should take her back. J/k - alcohol isn't an excuse. But, if you take her back, that's your business. I just think she "owes you" a freebie if you have an opportunity.
  18. OMG, one can only hope and dream. You can't take that away from me.
  19. Yea, you pay money to some company to 'audit' your paperwork and give you that piece of worthless 8.5" x 11" paper. You just have to document your processes, even if they're shit processes, if you've got documentation - pay money, get ISO cert. The only reason a lot of companies we work with have ISO is because our supply base makes it a requirement to do business, which makes no sense because I've been on tons of non-ISO supplier visits that I would wholeheartedly award business too over shitty ISO certified businesses. But, buyers don't listen to the engineers because they're in it for low cost and then I get stuck fixing all the issues later on... support costs are never figured into the purchase costs.
  20. And who capitalizes a pronoun when it doesn't start a sentence?? In Dustin's sig. That teaches kids bad grammar.
  21. No one... I was trying to get mello dude to be more mello - but I think he's mello'd out.
  22. Saw this and thought of your wife...sounds dirty when I type it out, just check the link.


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