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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. So, how'd your libations get urinated in during this fair eve, Mr. Shitty?
  2. Has anyone mapped out the ORDN Eskimo Brothers family tree?
  3. This thread has my Broken home seal of approval.
  4. Don't u have inmates to be watching?
  5. I bet someone is looking really hard for one of these right now.
  6. Did this happen at MidO? Is that why STT doesn't run there anymore?
  7. In on the track day. And IBTL!
  8. I <3 you sooo much. If all this entertainment only costs me a few shardenheimers every once in a blue moon we hang... it's WELL worth it. :D:cheers:

  9. Drama hidden inside a Browns thread, whodduthunkit? Looooooove you gais!
  10. What makes your product $x.xx better than $5 Little Ceasars? I think you're going after a non-existent market, but that's just my opinion. Budget-minded folks will go for budget pizza. Premium folks go for premium pizza. So, I guess my understanding is...you're going after people that want - mid grade pizza? How often do you think gas stations sell mid-grade gas as compared to regular unleaded and premium unleaded? It's a solution to a market no one is in.
  11. What type of customer are you TRYING to attract? I'm value driven. I can get a $5 hot-n-ready Little Ceasars Large cheese pizza. Not spectacularly blow-my-mind tasting, but good value for $5. This is also why I like CiCi's. I definitely get my money's worth on any type of pizza buffet. But, I'm only one type of customer... I know people more than willing to pay $18 for a large pizza if it's got a premium taste. So, you need to determine who you're going to target in your geographic area.
  12. Spun (Like Requiem for a dream, but dirtier) Employee of the Month (2003? version with Christina Applegate & Steve Zahn)
  13. Girls with 'daddy issues' - WANT
  14. We should hook the ex up with Djizzle. They can be poor and eat Applebees chicken wings together at the bar.
  15. Capt'N Save-A-Ho... LOVE IT! :lol:

  16. Did I or did I not call dibs?
  17. You don't see some of the following characteristics from the current figureheads for the neocon party? Under the "Core Tenents" section of the wiki article you cited: "Fascists see the struggle of nation and race as fundamental in society' date=' in opposition to communism's perception of class struggle." "Italian fascists described expansionist imperialism as a necessity....Fascists oppose pacifism and believe that a nation must have a warrior mentality." "fascism tends to be anti-intellectual." "Fascist government in Italy banned literature on birth control and increased penalties on abortion in 1926, declaring them both crimes against the state." "Fascism tends to promote principles of masculine heroism, militarism, and discipline; and rejects cultural pluralism and multiculturalism." "Italian Fascism involved corporatism, a political system in which economy is collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at national level." ------------------------ I'm not saying it's wholly neocon, because there's some dem platform stuff too. I'm just saying that when people call figureheads 'fascist's that they're usually right on some level just because the Fascism movement is full of seemingly contradictory platforms. Which, makes the whole name calling silly, but I digress. I just liked the Sinclair's quote. "Religion is the opiate of the masses" ~Marx
  18. I dunno... applied today I can see how religion and feverish nationalism = facism, according to what you posted. A lot of those ideologies are prevalent in the more extreme side of the neocon platform, presently. And you're right about the religion vs. faith - they are different, and why the quotations refer to religion and NOT faith. But, faith is often interwoven in with religious practice - so they do influence one another.
  19. Are you sure there's just not something wrong with her? I mean, you may be biased since she's YOUR daughter.
  20. "When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” ~ Sinclair Lewis “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it' date=' you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” ~ Stephen Wienberg “Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.” ~ Ghandi “All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few.” ~Stendhal [b']God’s beliefs mirror our own http://futurity.org/society-culture/gods-beliefs-mirror-our-own/
  21. That second pic makes my 'busa cry. SV territory.
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