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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. You don't have to trust THAT particular link, go ahead and research including the secondary and tertiary links it cites. Numbers ARE numbers... you can spin whatever information you want around them sometimes, but data is data, I don't know how to draw any other FACT from it. Red states, by and large, take in more federal dollars than they pay. You can't just dismiss that by saying "Well, I don't trust those numbers". Well, then find your own numbers to refute it along with their sources and data collection methods for me to investigate. Then I can see what was included or omitted and break it down further to have an intelligent debate about it. That's kinda how it works.
  2. I'm saying that's a potential. I'm not IN the system so I don't pretend to think I have all the answers. I can research and get as familiar as I can based on the data given, but, and maybe it's naive, I'll defer to the people administering the "system" to know what reforms can/will be useful and what is/is not acceptable (kind of like how it's naive to defer to Krugman about economics). Furthermore, just like I don't need 3rd parties telling me how to do my job when they're not nuanced in the intricacies of it, I don't pretend to think I'm all of a sudden smarter and better versed at running the system than the people doing it daily. That's arrogant and hypocritical. For every solution I could suggest, there may be a legitimate reason why it can't be implemented. I don't know. That's why it's funny to me that so many people think they have the solutions, or they see one person using food stamps and holding an iPhone and all of a sudden the whole system is corrupt, wasteful, and needs reform. That's like seeing one Asian wreck an Aprilia and saying all motorcycles have to wreck. Or seeing one dead opossum on the side of the road and assuming they're all going to be roadkill. You see the abuses / failures, but you don't have regular contact with the people using welfare legitimately and getting on their feet. They don't sensationalize the successes, only the failures. See above.
  3. Funny you mention that... http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/11/states-federal-taxes-spending-charts-maps Wonder what would happen if we left all those "red" states to fend for themselves without the supplements from the "blue" ones?
  4. I thought I addressed that in the latter portion of my answer. Fundamentally, there's a cost/benefit issue, and you want to be the lowest on that reverse bell curve as possible, which doesn't mean ZERO fraud. It just means that the amount of money spent policing the fraud becomes >> the amount of fraud it would protect against. You're a small business owner, so you can appreciate this. Let's say you manufacture ammunition. Are all your bullets with 0 defects? Are all your quality metrics currently at 0 ppm? No? Well, you should spend whatever amount necessary to ensure no defective bullets leave your facility. If that means multimillion dollars worth of robots, then so be it... you can then sell your ammo for $800/bullet because that's the required amount you'd need to charge to cover the overhead of 0 quality issues and turn a marginal profit. Or, you hire human workers at a much cheaper cost to do the best they can ensuring part quality. It won't mean 0ppm, but it'll mean you can sell $0.20/bullet that'll work 93% of the time once they leave your facility, with $500k of scrap costs each year for the defects that those human workers actually DID find before they left the factory. So, which process is inherently more wasteful?
  5. They do cap it. All the forms are right on the Ohio Dept. of Jobs and Family Services. http://jfs.ohio.gov/ocomm_root/0001InfoCenter.stm You can see how to apply, the qualifications, the requirements, the length of time you can receive benefits... it's all right there in public.
  6. I agree that I don't envy the poor or their lifestyle. Enough to where I was fortunate enough to have the opportunities I did, took advantage of the ones presented to me, and can live a comfortable lifestyle. I can't say I'm "self-made", but I came from a modest upbringing and my parents provided me with the support I needed to make something of myself. Some people don't have that opportunity. It can be overcome, but not everyone can overcome it for whatever reason. But, I don't spend my time bitching or jealous that there are some people "freeloading" off my tax dollars. I'm worrying about me. Most people need that help, others abuse it - but as I've tried to explain before, maximizing the benefits of a welfare program at an economical cost doesn't equate to zero fraud/corruption... there's always going to be a 'tolerable' level of waste/fraud/corruption/whatever term you want to use, that maximizes benefits at the lowest cost.
  7. jealousy !== apathy Apathy would be "Let the churches and private sector handle this"
  8. I was under the impression the police broke the door down to gain entry in the apartment. I guess that was not the case? Either way, I don't understand the point of pounding on the door if a suspect is behind it... what's going to happen? How often do suspects just open the door and give up immediately? My guess is there would either be a confrontation or a standoff. Its really unfortunate that the officers didn't identify themselves and apparently the guy didn't bother looking out his peephole or window. Obviously the moral of this story is 'don't live in an apartment'. Yep, that's it.
  9. I'd probably be dead too if I was in this situation. Unannounced men with guns, middle of the night... you think you really have time to have a conversation about why they're there? Wouldn't be a bad way to rob someone though... break into their house in the middle of the night, full SWAT gear (so your face is covered), flash a fake badge, guns drawn, tell the victims "Police, get down on the floor!", handcuff them and rob the place blind.
  10. He's not talking about robbing those places... the point was the grocery, ATM, and gas are all had within a small radius; therefore nothing he can provide can't already be legally and legitimately acquired. So, da fuq are you doing at my door?
  11. I know when people come to my door, unannounced, unexpected, in the middle of the night - the first thing that crosses my mind is greeting them with a smile.
  12. You sure it was an HSA and not the HRA Pauly was talking about? Above sounds like an HRA...
  13. The OP has the same 2nd grade level of literacy and forum rules as I do on economics?
  14. Whatever you say . It's obvious by you starting this thread that you're the one lacking in understanding. I know the first thing I do when I have a problem is run to ORDN to tell everyone how butthurt I am about it. A $7 increase in your healthcare costs using my taxpayer dollars collecting unemployment to pay for, makes me have sadface for you. $7 you didn't earn anyway, so lets bitch about it. Keep looking that gift horse in the mouth.
  15. Magz already covered it. You make no sense.
  16. Roman candle jousting?
  17. I was dragged to a local housewarming party. So how was it? Where are the pics?
  18. So, you're bitching about a rebate you would've otherwise NOT gotten? Makes sense.
  19. I'd be pissed too if someone caught me on film driving an Element (or Pilot, doesn't matter and I can't tell the difference). I didn't watch with audio (so maybe I missed something), but why did Pilot man feel compelled to get out of his vehicle and start a physical altercation? Good way to get a crowbar upside your head or a .45 drawn on you...
  20. You install tires? I'm gonna need a new front soon...
  21. Wtf do you even care for, yellow blood? You ain't gotta dog in this fight (I'm sure it was delicious too).
  22. Real Americans aren't red blooded. That's the color of comrades. Anyone that bleeds red is a commie socialist swine.
  23. Didn't Nelly write a song about r1crusher getting passed over and over again? It hurts so baaad.
  24. The only real problem I have with cycling, is there's no engine.
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