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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'm pretty sure I know why these new policies were implemented: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/08/apple-amazon-mat-honan-hacking/ http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/08/amazon-changes-policy-wont-add-new-credit-cards-to-accounts-over-the-phone/ They may not appear related specifically, but methinks the two-step verification theme is going to trend throughout the industry and will involve pairing hardware devices to accounts.
  2. Don't write a check with your e-words that your facehole can't cash, brutha.
  3. Regardless of your signing a release or not... that doesn't 100% indemnify MidOhio from being negligent or reckless. A release is a nice document to show in court saying "But he signed the waiver" -- that's about it. All it shows was that you've been instructed and made aware of the danger, but doesn't absolve MidOhio from negligence. In reality, it's not possible to completely absolve yourself (or MidOhio in this case) from litigation via a waiver if the other party has a legitimate legal ground to bring suit.
  4. ^^^ this My favorite are the "creepers" that stop far back, but slowly creep up to the next car in line. I don't know what the emotional intelligence behind this move is -- do they think they're still keeping things moving along while they're texting so they're not as bad as the other texters?
  5. DHS Crushed This Analyst for Warning About Far-Right Terror http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/08/dhs/all Continued...
  6. What's worth more? He may get a TV and some spending money if he wants to resell it.
  7. What's the point of having a "Business Review" forum if everyone that complains is a ?OP put it out there, and let the public judge whether it's a valid complaint or validates IM's business practices. I don't know anyone that improves themselves without feedback, and why shouldn't that feedback be public?
  8. Does Disney World sponsor an amusement park forum for Floridians?
  9. Technically, 5thSFG is correct. It's Disney World you were looking for...
  10. All right! This'll fill the entertainment quota for the day.
  11. Quick, everyone meet at Assumption Avenue and Conclusion Circle... then we can get this party started. This is my surprised face that the guy was a North Ridge-billy. :|
  12. I'm a proponent of broadcasting all deals gone bad, and will continue to bump this thread as a reminder. The issue was obviously a communication error though, so the OP should've read "I'm frustrated I can't get ahold of the buyer" vs. "The buyer is a deadbeat and I am a man of my word"
  13. I read no mention of meth. *sadface* But I am glad to read "the other side" -- seems more reasonable than the OP made it out to be.
  14. Nekkid pictures of new female forum members are known to halt all political debate in the threads where they're posted. #jussayin'
  15. I guess I've never understood that train of thought. If I burn a bridge, I wouldn't expect someone else to rebuild it to me. Nor would I rebuild a bridge someone else has burned. But then again, I'm full of grudges against people for various reasons.
  16. So, in theory, if I had someone close to me in the past that destroyed their life in their "younger years" with their poor choices and abuse, which put many others' around them in hardship for an extended period, but they've since recovered -- I shouldn't hold a grudge?
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