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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Sounds like a challenge... when was the last time some guy on the internet made you cry?
  2. You can't ban people for being dumb Just like we can't kick them out of the country for it either.
  3. Yep... I totally missed any jokes... I didn't see any. No smileys, no /sarcasm, no j/k... I assumed you really believe that Obama doesn't have a US birth certificate.
  4. 22 pages... Ninjanick told me he's only got 3 pages.
  5. We all know you're better than everyone here, being 19 years old and all, so we're grateful you grace us with your presence each time you post. Because when I was 19, I couldn't figure out how to log onto a forum and post about the dumb shit I did. You got me beat there. Does someone have to explain to you how to "Logoff" of ORDN too? Maybe it's a browser issue... all you need to do is type "www.somewhereotherthanhere.com" in your web-browser and you never have to come back. We'll still make fun of you.. but you don't have to read it.
  6. It's funny because you know him, but he doesn't know you, you
  7. I'm jealous... I was out running errands all day and all I could think about was what a great day you guys had to ride.
  8. Think whatever your lil heart desires about him, but he's done WAY more than add land for national parks. http://www.esquire.com/the-side/richardson-report/obama-timeline-110309
  9. Jalopnik.com covered all of this from the day it happened... here's the latest from them. INCLUDING VIDEO OF THE INCIDENT ITSELF!!! Here's the post with the video: http://jalopnik.com/5404403/exclusive-video-of-bugatti-veyron-actually-crashing-into-texas-lake Yeah, that's not what happened at all according to this video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32yyvmlGOdo This was recorded by a Facebook user who appears to be taping it with a phone or digital camera just at the right moment. Warning, they do swear appropriately at the event. Incredible. UPDATE: Thanks to some great follow up reporting by the Galveston Daily News and their sister paper, we now know the man is Andy House of Performance Auto Sales in Lufkin, Texas. The shop, ironically, specializes in repairing wrecked exotics. We contacted House for a comment and here's what he said: We'll continue to cover this interesting story as it unfolds.UPDATE 2: Follow up story from the Galveston Daily News And here's the latest: http://jalopnik.com/5404505/exclusive-bugatti-lake-crash-driver-owns-infamous-eddie-griffin+crashed-ferrari-enzo According to House, this wasn't a company car he was planning to sell but rather a personal car and, despite the Bugatti lake accident, he's not done with the car yet, telling us The Veyron itself was released to the insurance company earliertoday and, despite claims to the contrary, he insists he was not talking to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at the time of the crash.
  10. I'm actually shocked that he hasn't gotten any negative rep from anyone... it's been awhile since someone's earned the highly coveted "Fucktard" label under their name with the big red HATE ME stars. Here's JCroz right before he left to 'raise hell' at the title office. Except on his other bike that he doesn't have title, plates, and insurance for either, and bought when he was 14 with his $40,000/year paper route money. Yea, WTF did YOU do at 14?? How can you be a cocksucker if you won't get beneath me?
  11. Good luck with that... don't kill yourself on that bumpy-ass track surface.
  12. You are the reason I have to play Halo3 and CoD
  13. We hope you'd learn more than just 'what jacket to buy'... but you didn't. ORDN is greater than just gear recommendations and bike bullshit - it's about life lessons. You just don't appreciate it. Hopefully your grades in the lowest form of engineering (Sorry to any other Civ E's, but there is a pecking order) are good because you failed at 'How to not be a tool:101'
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: ::breathe:: :lol: :lol: ::guffaw:: :lol::D (I wasn't allowed to rep you for beating me to it)


  15. One jacket for one weekend in the baller apartment? Fair trade? Hmmm?
  16. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  17. .. at least he knows the tow will be free.

  18. I think you really know you're a poor bullshitter, and a poor excuse for a baller too. I already know 10 guys off the top of my head (on this board alone) that were WAY farther ahead in life than you when they were 19. I'll give you a hint, it's got nothing to do with what you own.
  19. YUTTTT UGGGGGGGGH! :::scrape, scrape, tumble, hit parked car:::

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