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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I can threaten, but it's really a waste of time. It didn't take me long to learn the life lesson that "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" - so, being a dick about it is really a last resort, especially if they piss me off enough to where I'd actually have to follow through with it and switch carriers. I'd just wish they'd treat me like they gave a damn I'm a customer. Like I said... I didn't even use my NE2 on my Motorola - and it's been eligible since 2007. Not really their concern, but I'd hope that after being a customer with a stellar payment history over the last 5 years, they could at least hook me up with a couple of phones and want to lock me into another 2 yr contract (It's all month-to-month now, so my switching costs are nothing to switch carriers). I also think it's stupid that they'll give NEW family account people Two new LG Chocolate Touch's, but Renew's or Upgrade customers don't. Sure, it lures new customers, but they're basically telling existing customers to 'get bent', you're not as important as new subscribers... so then you switch carriers every 2 years to get the good deals on the better phones. /rant
  2. Bubba I am not.

    And what, praytell, could possibly make it worth it? I've traveled less for better. :D

  3. *Old thread revival because I didn't want to start a new one.* So, WTF is up with Verizon not doing NE2 on each line of a family plan? 1) My phone was eligible in 04/2007 2) My g/fs phone was eligible in 02/2009 We both want to upgrade (Yes, I've been due - I'm well aware from all the ribbing I take from the few on here that have seen my v710, I still have VMs from 2005 on it ) Anyway, I get get ONE LG Chocolate Touch free, but they won't apply the NE2 to the second line. I've been a loyal customer and don't really want to switch because I'm getting a decent rate given my discounts. Is there any special schmoozing I need to do to my Verizon rep, or does someone have a corporate rep who's treated you right in the past that I can talk to that'll hook me up with 2 free Chocolate touch's and allow me to renew my family plan? I'd be willing to switch carriers if the Coshocton people can pipe up on their cell service... from all the maps I look at, only Verizon works for calling for help after someone launches themselves into a pasture in that area. Just thought I'd ask.
  4. The only other place on his body that's the size of an Asian pinkie finger.
  5. I don't think he's learned his lesson until he posts the lessons he's learned.
  6. He knows how to use it too... just ask him how many nuts he's used his 'tool' on.
  7. Sprockets for Wicked Whoolies! He should probably change the front sprocket too, because I heard that +2 in front will make for spectacular stoppies too.
  8. Whoa, whoa, whoa... let's not jump to any conclusions there Fonz...
  9. Can't blame the guy.. he's just trying to sell fairings in a down economy.
  10. Ohh yea? Well, how much rep did you have when you were 19, huh? I had way more rep than all of you when you were my age. I don't have rep insurance though, so take it easy on mine.
  11. Wat? Wat? Wat!? Rep doesn't mean a thing? News to me.
  12. Yea, you shit that shut down!
  13. As shitty as it is... I'll have to temper the 'with pay' frustration with the fact that it's the policy of many companies to do that because if a lawsuit happens and the officer is acquitted, he can file suit for his back wages and then some... so it ends up cheaper in the long run to suspend these people WITH pay. Sad, but it's economics.
  14. Cool Hwhip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lich59xsjik
  15. Yea, the baggie that flew out of the cops car in their ride during the crash... planting evidence.
  16. It's only illegal if you get caught... ...and you're not a cop, because if you were a cop, you'd be suspended with pay.
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