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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Newbs can only PM once every 4 days or something - kind of hard to have a PM discussion with that rule. And, if you don't want to read 12 pages... change your page settings. NinjaNick is on page 2.
  2. Wait... what are we talking about now?

  3. I dunno what it is, but if you have to say no offense... I'm going to be offended. Fag. (No offense)
  4. I don't even promise things to the girl that sexes me up, why do you think I'd promise you anything? And don't even play the "because I'm pregnant" card... that was YOUR choice.

    I'm still wondering how you got a hold of Wheezle's sperm without him knowing.

  5. Circa 1994... I figured Dubguy would've posted this...
  6. I promise nothing to no one... that way, no let downs. :)

    I can't keep people from dreaming though.

  7. There's no 'Turbo Boost' button? Ohh noes? WWDHD?
  8. Better do it with your truck, because I think you'd have trouble catching any of us on your 1k.
  9. We're sorry, there will be no kosher food there. The Hebrew Hammer will have to go hungry.
  10. Better watch what you wish for... your wife might make you.
  11. Aww Don't hate on Inya because he's got a taint-hummer and a taint-thumper now. You're just upset because RVT doesn't give you enough time on the RC because you like it rough between your legs. Uncle Punk told me so...
  12. ZOMFG!!! I'm there... what do you think the 'cover' will be to cover the beer? When's the Columbus Holiday party?
  13. Therein lies the problem... there's a TON of perverse incentives to tailor the 'reports' of the underlings a certain way. The CEO isn't necessarily getting factual information for a bunch different political reasons. I understand that. It wasn't a complaint so much as it was a statement of reality.
  14. You can say that for anything though. The CEO of a company doesn't know specifics on projects, so he makes directional decisions that may not necessarily be in the best interest of the project that you may be working on. I deal with that all the time. Yet, we still make decisions at the macro level and it filters down to the micro level. So, following your train of thought, because I work on certain projects and see what's best for my little area of expertise, the CEO doesn't have a clue because he's not involved in the minutiae.
  15. It doesn't have to make sense. It's about your duties as a woman.

  16. You'll have to expound on your experience over there. Just because I travel to New Orleans and mingle with the locals there doesn't mean I understand Louisiana or the United States as a whole. If the US were judged based on a few interactions some foreigner had with a few citizens of a certain locality - their opinion would be a lot different depending on if they visited Vegas vs. Boston vs. West Virgina.
  17. grape drank? Ohh, you mean the purple stuff. Gimme some of that purple stuff.
  18. Are you sure you did those things? Or are you just thinking you did those things because you're brainwashed by CNN?
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