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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Not a fan of the stuff. /flame on
  2. This is where they all go to die. Why John? Why? Why did you cut this threads life soo short? Sniffle... poor guy, going to be closed before it's time. Keep on rockin' the free world!
  3. That's not any better... ever tried sleeping with something tickling the back of your knee?
  4. That's a helluva bug... 2 hour lag? I dunno if I'm buying that.
  5. That could work for my balls too.
  6. That's a helluva bug... 2 hour lag? I dunno if I'm buying that.
  7. That's a helluva bug... 2 hour lag? I dunno if I'm buying that.
  8. Please make sure you're supporting your kushes http://kushsupport.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyBEC-Zq_uE I tried looking for one for my balls, but sadly no such product exists. I'll have to continue to endure my sleepless nights because my testicles are touching.
  9. Exactly... I hit 5:45, once...and only once. I run longer distances now because I know I'll never set another PR for a mile.
  10. I'll see you in court. Or Maury, whichever show calls me back first. Good to see the lil one getting out. I think you did it a lot better than my old man teaching me how to ride.
  11. Just wait... about 8 more months and you'll have a little one to teach how to ride.
  12. "GOOOOOOAAAAAAAAL"* *Included Man Utd. warbanner
  13. I'll barely believe that... just because you're skinny, but that doesn't mean you're quick.
  14. You ran two miles at a 5:30 pace? I call bullshit.
  15. That car is not an investment. It's an English POS, as Yota already astutely pointed out. It's only a collector car because all it can really do is sit there because you can't get the electrical system to work beyond a 20 mile roundtrip drive.
  16. :smacks you with newspaper: Bad Matt! Bad! No! NNNNNNooo!
  17. My ol' man got thrown out of my soccer games when I was a kid for yelling at the refs I think his exact words were "How can you make an offsides call when you're on this half of the field? Move your fatass down the field!" Blew the whistle, "Sir, you can be upset with my calls, but the personal attacks are uncalled for - please leave the premises." Some fat chick - I was maybe 11 or 12. Good times, my dad's hilarious. Props to you parents if you actually do say something... get'em fusion!
  18. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=37884 IBTL
  19. Except for Pauly, I <3 him so much he could toss Jinus salad and then kiss Fonz on the mouth and I wouldn't be upset with him.
  20. "Give Me Your Tired' date=' Your Poor, Your Big Fat Asses …Does poverty make people obese, or is it the other way around?[/b']" http://www.slate.com/id/2229523/pagenum/all/#p2
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