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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Ohh, he was warned... but then he just laid there and took it, almost willingly.

  2. Ask and ye shall receive Well, Mr. Boss Man, what QUALIFICATIONS are necessary to meet your personal scale of approval? Beyond, not being a free thinker... Nope, I have NO clue on what's going on in the world I just rack up these meaningless degrees from "liberal colleges" (As all higher institutions without 'Saint' or 'Holy' or 'Brigham Young' are left wing propaganda machines) because my judgment has been clouded my entire life. I'm ALL book learning and theory with no "real world" experience. I understand. You're better than me at life because you're a 'real world' business owner. I think you have an ego issue resting your laurels on that - like you deserve more respect than the next guy because you OWN a business. Obviously, that went over your head. Interesting, maybe not in your little business, but in the 'real world' it means a lot. You don't seem to have any experience beyond direct sales if you think that's the only thing that affects the bottom line. Maybe you need some experience working in a larger organization where you have to coordinate activities across multiple departments (Sales, Supply Base, Manufacturing, Engineering, Quality, Logistics - just to name a few major ones) - it seems your 'real world' experience is very narrowly focused, I hope you never end up 'out of your element' because if all you know is your little narrow piece of the pie, your 20yrs is useless. Focus on results and empower your employees. Wow, how prophetic, it took you 20 yrs to figure that out on how to run a "successful" business? I'm WAY ahead of the game then. You're switching topics. First it was about me personally - about how you're smarter than ME, and MY experience doesn't mean crap in the 'real world' - But, now it's about people with similar 'experience' than me. I don't think I've ever worked with an Akron U engineer, but all engineers from college aren't created equal. So, is this about me personally, or "similar" people? I don't think you'd have the resources to acquire an engineer of the caliber of some that I've met. No, at this point, this is entertainment for me and a break from the other stuff I've got to do.
  3. I just said... more rent.

    So, that would be a no.

  4. Ass, Cash, or Grass, no one rides for free.

  5. We broke up, but she's still living w/ me.

  6. I'm thick, and I couldn't even plug it. She must've been wrecked by someone before...

  7. Maybe, but I don't think that'll stop the crimson tide.

  8. Uhh...I dunno what to say.

    Golden..... showers.... for... the .... win??? :wtf:

  9. I'm pregnant?

    The condom broke?

    I didn't pull out all the way?

  10. Nah, she's not mad at you.

    Definitely the rag. She's such a girl.

  11. It's a combination of things, her personal life, the stuff I jokingly post about her on the board, which wasn't an issue until recently. I think she's a little sensitive because of our past interactions...

    Or, she's probably on the rag. I dunno.

  12. It's getting ugly, I'm trying to do damage control...

  13. Disclaimer


    Where are the DAMN pics of your white one Stargazer? I'm only going to ask nicely like 13 more times...
  14. Sorry, I'm talking to Mj

  15. Mj doesn't require the use of condoms
  16. What is, "Kinds of girls Wrillo is looking to bang", Alex? Moving on, I'll take "Wrillo is a manwhore" for $600.
  17. Prove to me you ARE smarter, otherwise, by your logic - I'm smarter by default. Awesome. Sounds like you really enjoy that powertrip? And, what's with putting degreed professional and experience in quotes - what exactly are you trying to imply? I suppose you're only as good as your weakest link, and it sounds like you may have some HR issues in your upper management. Of course, this is only a hypothesis as I'm unaware of your revenue for FY2008, but having "hired and fired" plenty of guys with my level of experience, I can only assume your high turnover would indicate internal struggles and hampered success. I take it you're a fan of 'yes men' that'll tow your line, eh? Just a guess. Also, I would think that my employer may beg to differ with you on my level experience meaning squat. Only 14.5yrs - c'mon, in the real world, that doesn't mean squat. So, "well behaved", "good grades", "outside activities" - Whatever you implied by putting my stuff in quotes, I'm implying the same thing.
  18. See, and there's your close-mindedness. I never said I was smarter than you... I just wanted to know what makes you think you're smarter than me. YOU said that. Regarding my EE degree, all I said was that I have a degree in it, not that I was smarter than you (and I only broght that up because you referenced it). Yet, you still sit there and smugly tell me "Get back after you've had 10-15 years of real-world engineering experience" -like you have a clue what I've done in my 6 years of employment as a degreed professional, or anyone else for that matter. Really? Hence why I said in the last post - you need to fact-check, confirm with multiple sources. Keep up. Again, with your assumptions. Get back to me when you've had 15 years experience raising your own children ~as you would say. Then we'll see who raised the REAL drains on society. Stay the course, do not deviate, blinders on.
  19. Which is exactly why I apologized, in my last post. Keep up. Well, my degree SAYS I'm qualified to be an electrical engineer... so I'm good there. The others are common sense... you don't need a degree to raise a child. Absolutely, Fox does report some facts, but MANY times they've gotten them wrong. Literally, completely wrong, which is deceptive and why I fact check Fox. You can fact check Kos and HuffPo to, with other news sources. I meant you can't argue if they said it or not, if it's captured, you said it. Proof. Once again, people have been doing it for ages, and you don't need a degree to do it. It's hard, but not as hard as getting a PhD, for instance. Got it. Your way or the highway, for life. Close the mind, blinders on, full speed ahead, disregard all others.
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