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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. You know the old joke about sitting on your hand until it falls asleep then jackin' it? Feels like a different person... It doesn't work the other way around. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT get any of the ones w/ the cock numbing lube in them.
  2. Ok, if that was THAT offensive, my apologies. It was a question and a chance to explain yourself - NOT calling you one, but I suppose I understand why you would feel offended. (Side note: the irony of a tightass being offended about being called a tightass cannot be ignored - general statement, NOT about Todd) Ok, so you're smarter than me? Are you sure? I would venture to think that your life experience is drastically different than mine, so I don't know how you plan on defending that statement. Where does the bar start? Are we discussing thermodynamics or electromagnetic field theory, or some topic that may play to a strength of yours? Facts are facts. There are FACTS on Kos and HuffPo regardless of the slant they put on them. So, you filter out the slant and draw your own conclusions, but you can't argue an unedited statement made by a congressperson caught on video... You don't have a engineering degree to understand a battery, you don't have to be a plumber to understand how to unclog a drain, you don't have to be a vet to know you don't kick puppies.... I've observed and talked to enough parents to have an educated opinion on them - even if I don't have my own. So, you can shelter your kids as much as you want, but they'll eventually have to deal with the harsh reality of the world, not Todd-reality - and your pro-censorship approach will leave them vastly unprepared in problem-solving and conflict resolution skills. I'm just trying to gain understanding.
  3. I didn't call anyone any names... and what "weak point" did I make? Got it, so anyone younger than you is an idiot. Makes sense. Funny you mention the post office thread because I didn't post ANYTHING from Kos or HuffPo there... it was all taken directly from the USPS financials or articles YOU sourced... So, gotta raise the BS flag there, good try though. I rarely quote Kos or HuffPo - not saying I haven't, but it's rare. This is how I can tell you don't bother educating yourself with the information I cite, or else you'd realize it's not from either of those sources. Right, I didn't realize how rational it is to make sure everything your kids hear or say goes through you first. Do you make sure to get their teachers lesson plans to review them prior to sending them to school? And do you make sure none of their friends have a liberal slant, so they won't inadvertently contaminate your children with their absurd and filthy views on the world? I suppose it doesn't have an bearing on this thread other than to illustrate character. Well, then why can't you lighten up, pops?
  4. Disclaimer

    I just.......

    I won't be impressed until you do it w/ a Slap Chop
  5. Ambulances start charging extra for the obese http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33435869/ns/health-health_care Agree or not? I think we had this discussion about airline seats as well.
  6. Yea, if you review the thread... it was YOUR move, chief - except you wrote that you were done with this thread - yet, here you are. I didn't run out of anything... I just like Calvin and Hobbes. Besides, why can't someone interject a little humor (or even if it's not 'funny' - then at least change it up enough so both parties in a discussion can sit back and take a short break from what they're debating) - you're not that much of a tightass that you can't appreciate that, are you? How is that calling me out? I'm getting 'called out' for posting something other than a long diatribe on why your reasoning is flawed? I shouldn't post anything but paragraph after paragraph of analysis, with sources citing supporting material? Most of which you don't bother reading anyway... because you know everything, apparently. Coming from the guy who was worried about his kids listening to Obama's "brainwash" speech about staying in school... I guess you can't please them all. Seems that most people on here are laid-back enough that they don't expect others to be internet hardasses all the time - what's your excuse?
  7. Funny, that out of all the cartoons and random shit I've posted, you learned what Godwin's Law was. I didn't post it because I ran out of "facts". I posted it because I came across it on Digg, thought it was relevant (regardless of the fact that it's a CARTOON - I liked C&H growing up), and posted it. Jesus. You definitely are a hater, just for the sake of hating. I'm sorry your parents didn't love you more and you're not getting what you want out of life - misery loves company, so we're all glad you're here.
  8. Well, you've moved on to bigger and better things apparently... I wouldn't sweat it. :p

  9. She had a boyfriend... maybe she's interested now?

  10. Disclaimer


    I'm willing to push more on the SV, if that gets torn up... no big deal. If my 'busa gets torn up, I would haz a major sadface.
  11. Disclaimer


    I thought Udell had my number? I had his. You got rid of the baby machine!? Say it ain't so...! The change you mentioned was one of the things I just found out today also. I thought I was strange looking at shitty's bike that I couldn't see any threaded holes for spools, but I wasn't looking THAT hard for them, I assumed they were there somewhere. The rest of the changes are the ECU reflash to control the 'heat complaints' from the squids who ride without long pants on. Other than that, I don't think the '09s varied from the '08s... From here: http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2008/july/21-27/jul2208-buell-2009-range/
  12. Disclaimer


    Ohh shit... the floodgates are open now. Mr. King of the Interwebz is a cheap bastard who refuses to pay the extra $5/mo for 250 messages to get texting on his plan. There, now you ALL know - though the majority of the people that have my celly already knew. Not to get sidetracked, but if this Android phone is the shit like everyone says its gonna be, I may have the flippin' INTERNET on my phone come Xmas time... but, now, no. That's $60/yr I could put towards a new motorcycle.
  13. Disclaimer


    HA! I don't have texting... you can e-mail it to me though right?
  14. Matured beyond that stage huh? Good for you.

    I don't think Mj has...

  15. Wow... that was 6 minutes of pretty offensive shit. WAY over the top. I admit, I chuckled a few times.
  16. Alright... so, how long b4 you hit it?

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HdFt8sHIpQ&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mBEAH5HZa4&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxrap3Ojchw&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUN9giYJhew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAxO-BrKmls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hii17sjSwfA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AubvMnIwUM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fha3AntrYSM That should be an eclectic mix enough to get you started. Or, there's this mashup of all the hits from 2k8 by DJ Earworm - a little on the softer side, but maybe it'll work for your purposes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLaZ-8IMtt0 Bittersweet Symphony is always a good one to blast too...
  18. Disclaimer


    We will be expecting a full ride report w/ pictures on the bike... you know that right? Because if I get one, I'm getting the white/blue combo as well.
  19. You're talking her up pretty good now... so I hope your 'bar' is set as high as mine, I'm expecting Maxim cover model here. :D

    5'9" 120lbs blonde, blue eyed, perky breasts, nice ass - settle for nothing less.

    Ohh, and she has to be able to hold an intelligent conversation...or else she doesn't count.

  20. Disclaimer


    You're not aiming high enough... MTT Y2K, or Desmosedici
  21. Never again. I thought you sheepf*(kers from Coshocton were the only ones I could get an STD from just by shaking hands... Wrillo must be a long lost Coshoctonite.
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