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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Whatever you're paying for the program - stop. Give me 75% of it, and access to your checking and savings. I'll be your money nanny. Everything you want to buy, you have to ask me. Just going through that hassle should eliminate a lot of petty things - namely because I screen my calls.
  2. You may've been an asshole long before the internet, but you're a humorous one. :lol:


  3. How is a program that tracks the dumb things you buy, going to keep you from continually making the same dumb mistakes...?? Now, you're even worse off because you have a paper trail of all those silly purchases to remind you that you're a big bag of financial fail, and that's just depressing. You need more of a financial counselor than a program to fix a spending issue... no?
  4. See what happens Casper when you take away the rep!? You SEE what happens? The newbs get sassy.
  5. I suggest Mint, Wesabe, Yodlee, Quicken Online, MS Money. http://bankling.com/2009/the-best-online-budgeting-tool-mint-vs-wesabe-vs-quicken-online/ I've never used any of the online tools because I do a good job of tracking and reconciling all my bill through my local copy of MS Money 2002... it's freaky to go back and look at stuff I bought in 2002 (and prior, as I entered historical data in it too when I got it).
  6. Helluva write up Duane. Sorry to hear the birdy got knocked over. And only mach 3???.... if that's the case, then I know the Busa will hit at least mach 3.8. Thanks.
  7. Can you find a credible source where that came from? I see that same exact message flying around on a lot of forums when I google search it, but NOTHING in any news source or from the Yamaha Motor Corp site itself... I don't know if I'll buy it until I read it somewhere other than an internet BB.
  8. Whatever floats your boat, compare it to all of those things ... but what's your point? The money is being spent, period. And the things you've listed are drops in the bucket compared to the military spending... so again, you fail at perspective. What 'pet projects' is the National Priorities Project involved in? List them for me.. once again, they're just alternatives for perspective, not endorsements for their own 'pet projects' How about $1.4M: http://www.woai.com/content/blogs/headlines/story/Discuss-Obamas-failed-Olympic-bid-cost-estimated/8guP0ubGvEGVY5N92gRwaQ.cspx And, he met with the commander during that time too, so it wasn't a total loss, even if it was only for 25 minutes.
  9. Join ORDN to hock your wares.... nice.
  10. You'll bitch about anything... even posts that are over a year and a half old... But, about the site...http://www.nationalpriorities.org/about I BOLDED the key part. It doesn't matter what they provided alternatives to spending, you'd bitch about it. You'd bitch about it if they'd said: 1) 400,549 boxes of 9mm rounds for every man, woman, and child 2) $8527 tax break for every SBO 3) 8.7B gallons of gas The point was to provide perspective, but that must've went over your head because you completely shut down when something isn't presented how you think it should.
  11. It goes to $400/gallon gas in Afghanistan...$400 per gallon gas to drive debate over cost of war in Afghanistan http://jalopnik.com/5383242/us-military-pays-400-a-gallon-for-fuel-in-afghanistan
  12. The front fairings on the new Hondas are great... ... for me to POOP on! Seriously though, it goes without saying that the Italian bikes look the best, but out of the Japanese bikes, the 600rr and the R6 'look' the best. You just can't deny the mechanicals underneath the 1000rr's owl face. I'm a 'function over form'-guy anyway, so I'd rock one.
  13. Did anyone else read this? Kinda interesting... they're in Cleveland RIGHT NOW!!
  14. Disclaimer


    Balloon Boy: 'We Did This for the Show' http://gawker.com/5382890/balloon-boy-we-did-this-for-the-show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI6UONWCq7A&feature=player_embedded
  15. Next step... genetically engineer larger pieces of live firewood.
  16. Props Hoblick, but after I read the thread title, I thought you might've shot the guy instead of doing something nice for 'em
  17. Disclaimer


    There should be a rule that if you start a thread about your post count, that it should either freeze your post count or start making it go backwards. Congratulations, you win nothing.
  18. Let's just get everyone to promise not to sue.... lulz.
  19. Disclaimer


    How old is said brother?
  20. Or... if I had Ventnor, why wouldn't I spend an extra $100 in food collecting the other common ones that EVERYONE has so I wouldn't have to share the prize?
  21. Figure out the rain policy too while you're at it. I ain't riding in the wet. Hope you're giving them a good pitch too...
  22. Am I eligible for "I" group after taking this school? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=20411 I'm just playing... chill, all you drama queens.
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