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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. The drug trafficker would still have due process via the court system. The correct analogy would be if RTA did it's own investigation into it's employees crimes. Like an RTA Employee Bureau of Investigations (EBI) division of the RTA. And whatever they say - goes. Potential for lifetime imprisonment or a slap on the wrist depending on how that own private company felt about drug trafficking and how the continued sale of drugs, or end to the trafficking would affect their business practice and bottom line profit.
  2. I didn't open it until there were already 17 pgs for fear that "Parks and Waterfall ride" meant it was a thread about Adam pissing on people.
  3. Which one is you... http://jalopnik.com/5375987/the-top-122-lemons-of-the-lamest-day-24-hours-of-lemons/gallery/
  4. Scoundrels ain't bad - just average. I've been there a few times. Food isn't all that great and prices are ok... but it's definitely REALLY close to the IX and has space.
  5. I'm not into the blue bush Now if Lois Griffin was in there....
  6. WTF are you doing with a mannequin head!?
  7. Lol, wut? You need to read more books. Win what war? It's already been won... So...I don't know wtf Obama is doing
  8. You should be a board sponsor for as much tickets as you're scalping.

  9. <imaginary rep> All Ben really has to do is promise to get it back.
  10. I'll do my part on the busas, but I can't be everywhere at once, someone else will have to take care of the fat chicks. Unless they pay.
  11. I know it's hard to fathom (since we all spend every waking moment on OR, agonizing over rep status), but Ben actually might have other things on his plate besides getting the REP fixed.
  12. ...and..... nothing. I'm over it. Like I was your sister last night when I pooped on her chest.
  13. I agree. But I still take issue with it, maybe because I'm too stoic to feel anything. An example that occurs often is, I'll never understand how words can make someone assault someone else. Like Wrillo said, curse of the left brain I suppose. There are facts and decisions to be made from said facts - nothing more. Though, don't confuse "feelings and emotions" with morals and values. You can have morals without feeling.
  14. I get that it's a fact of life, I just don't understand why people can't be more logical and rational about things.
  15. You can put your tinfoil hat back in your underground bunker. I'll never understand why people think war is better than peaceful coexistence. Cooperation is easier than competition. Work smarter not harder... all those other cliches that make sense.
  16. There's been a lot of talk here on Issue 3 (Gambling)... what are the thoughts on Issue 1? http://www.wkyc.com/news/local/news_article.aspx?storyid=123090&catid=3
  17. So, Bush gets props for doing his job - considering he was a proponent for the war, but Obama can't visit sick family members, something he has no control over? Date night was also a ONE day thing... not WEEKS on a ranch. That's illogical.
  18. Well damn, he better get on that! He's only got like 3+ years to get all that done... in between trying to stabilize the economy and trying to finally get 'Mission Accomplished'. Bush would've been on his 3rd 3 week vacation to his ranch by now after accomplishing so much.
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