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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I tried to pos rep YOU and JPorter, but I can't do either.
  2. I told her I'd negative rep her brains out. J/k... but now I wish I would've just for shits and giggles.
  3. I'm not debating there are additional issues, but engineering has solved all the 'technical' hurdles of ethanol, so those are less of a concern. The energy content is based on the physical properties of the substance which are pretty stable. Either way, the bottom line is that isn't not economical. I read an article what gas would have to reach (per gallon) to make ethanol feasible, but I can't find it. There's always a threshold price, and as long as petrol stays below that, none of these energy technologies will be mainstream - it's economics. And why would UAE and the other oil producers WANT prices to ever reach that point? They want to keep prices just under the viable alternatives in order to maximize profits and switching costs.
  4. <reaches for Shitty's post to stop the bleeding>
  5. @ thinking KSU students are intellectuals. You'd be lucky to find a current student that can spell 'intellectual'. Kent read, Kent write, Kent State. Calm down KSU folks, I'm just hating a lil bit - you can hate on my school too, if you'd ever heard of it.
  6. Digging the SV suggestions... but get the SV1000. I may be partial, but it's got all the power of a 600, and more torque, but it's a piggy on the weight. You have a cruiser, so you probably wouldn't even notice - you'll just be amazed at how nimble a 450lbs bike can be. And V-twins sound sooooooooooo pretty.
  7. You still have to factor in that China's currency is pegged to the dollar... so they're artificially deflating the value of their currency vs. the dollar... so they'd be in a much better position for purchasing energy if it wasn't done in dollars.
  8. It's hard to judge sarcasm w/o a smiley. I honestly assumed it was Wheezle who was still a little pissed at me and wanted me to know, but didn't want to leave me negative rep over it.
  9. I'll give rep if you provide an example of how the post should've been constructed showing conviction, balls, and sense. Please identify each of these traits within the post so I know how you define these terms.
  10. I have no issues with reading comprehension. That's the beauty of how my post was constructed - since I didn't NAME people, it still stands, regardless of Caspers correction (which I posted WELL before Casper's correction - check the timestamps). Using rep to falsify information and make someone else look bad is immature at best. I think you need to re-read it there, big guy - don't get butthurt.
  11. We can't sustain ourselves on ethanol. Lower energy content than oil.
  12. Are post counts going toward fabulous prizes or ultimate power of the interwebs? That may sway my vote.
  13. Disclaimer


    This is a 'yo mamma' thread? Schweeeeet.
  14. Yea, totally went all to hell as soon as Ninjachk wasn't here to mod it.
  15. No, I need to go back the last 100. Coincidentally a lot of nice folks repped me, so my last 20 are green... I need more history. Though I'm pretty sure this one may've been a fluke (too lazy or forgot to move the button down to "I disapprove") Wheelze's thread is gone 10-03-2009 02:01 PM max power yep, you're still a douchebag I can't investigate the rep fairy without more information. Kind of like how you can't investigate the tooth fairy without losing a few teeth. Maybe I can kill 2 birds with one stone?
  16. I'll believe it when I see it. Fear mongering.
  17. That, is pretty much epic lameness. It's one thing to do what Nick and Mako did to make themselves look good. No harm no foul. It's a whole different thing to make someone else look bad. Weaksauce.
  18. Ok, I could turn this political - I'll try not to, but lets assume they did (I won't make any accusations, though I'll admit circumstances are odd). What's the 'so what' that they cheated? I mean, we're not competing for fabulous prizes and vacations to the Caribbean. I understand it's frustrating when people exploit a flaw in the system when the system isn't used as intended, but c'est la vie. You fix the system, not dismantle it all together. (I had the same 'teething problems' with members when I enabled rep on a phpBB3 board). Not to mention, that only two people out of the 3300 members have abused it. There should be some way to flag or mark the abusers rather than shut it all down. Especially with the abusers being in the very very small minority. I tend to agree with a few others that the rep system is very beneficial when dealing with n00bs.
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