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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. That's overly hospitable of you, but I don't like tea.
  2. I wonder if they'll have this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUC4UObnhLk
  3. Great idea, everyone's invited to Pauly's house!
  4. If you're selling it for $5400, be sure to drag your naked sack across the tank for some smug satisfaction. Can't put a price on that.
  5. Parma and 'eye candy' don't belong in the same post.
  6. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HORSE!? I must know....
  7. And just for the record, I was only crying because you tend to claw my back after your 4th or 5th orgasm.
  8. I was serious, but I think it might've been a browser hiccup on my end, not a code thing on your end.
  9. No post count either now!!!!!!! ZOMFG!!!!!!! Wait, it's back... intermittent brown out on that apparently. <tears>
  10. Ohh yea, I definitely want my rep in gold, silver, bronze, or oil. Rep is worth no more than a 'dollar' unless something tangible is backing it.
  11. How sure are you that what ran out of the barn was a horse? Or you even had a horse there to begin with?
  12. It's only Wednesday and my world is crumbling.
  13. I can't believe that's all I ever was to you. Some drunken forgettable fling. :(. I'm definitely not putting out this year - no matter how big you say your 'war banner' is. Which you completely lied about last year, btw.
  14. Talked to my buddy at work... here are two new suggestions: Slim and Chubby's in Strongsville could probably hold a sizeable amount. I don't really have a 'hook up' there though. Also, there's a bar in Parma (Pearl Rd, right of SR-71) called Scorekeepers that another coworker of mine is related to the owners. I also don't know what kind of 'hook up' deal he'd give me, but since I work with the guy, I'd hope it'd be better than some deal I could get from Slim and Chubby's.
  15. Why should it be based on the dollar over any other currency? Shitty pretty much noted the important parts. There is no "standard" asset at which our currency is tied to, and the some of the variations on the value of the dollar are influenced purely on speculation. Here - I found an article. Yes, it's from a "blog", but the links are the background information: What if oil weren't priced in dollars? http://curiouscapitalist.blogs.time.com/2009/10/06/what-if-oil-werent-priced-in-dollars/
  16. Or the Coshocton Remix"Brown chicken, brown cow"
  17. You're the one with the shit-eating grin all the time....
  18. You think that's disturbing? You should've seen the reverse angle... ...which I don't have because Garrett wouldn't let go of the camera.
  19. Disclaimer


    Good thing you don't have to spell it in bed. That would get awkward.
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