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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. It has, because you bitch and moan like you have a bloody vagina too. :D:p
  2. apparently we all missed it.
  3. Last name: Slider First name: Frame
  4. The only guys that got uncomfortable were the guys not used to being penetrated. That's why I was the only one to mention it - I was uncomfortable. The rest of the sick f*(kers in here were getting aroused at the thought of something huge and pink inside them.
  5. That's an oldie, but a goodie! Props to the first girl that legitimately gets it.
  6. You'll have to take the rep back because I don't have the ballz to leave that joke up. :(

  7. Sweet... first try. I am the successorz.
  8. I'm told there's a thread in there about who the hottest guy is on ORDN. <removed joke because people would probably be butthurt'ed> I keeeeeeeeeeed I keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
  9. Anyone interested... I'm sure some of it is still good... http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=8748322
  10. ??? We usually post street riding in the 'location specific' subforums. I could see how a 'street' forum may be more apt than a cruiser one. That suggestion is better. I can't answer why all the other subforums are in place. That's a Casper question. He knows what works.
  11. Why? No one important is in the westside of Ohio (north or south). Muhahahahahaha.
  12. I thought Vulcan_Rider was trying to hookup a Cleveland M&G after the Bike show @ the IX-Center
  13. Then we'll need a "sportbike" forum and a "scooter" forum and a "more than 2 wheels" forum. This is Ohio-Riders. That's subdivided enough. What could you possibly discuss in your own special cruiser forum that can't be discussed under one of the general categories offered? I see the Jobs section as a prudent decision - so people can quickly and easily find things pertaining to potential careers/jobs.
  14. I'm waiting for all the hypocrites cashing their unemployment checks each week to come in this thread and share your view.
  15. I could really go for a black and tan right now.
  16. "I wouldn't say, 'I've been missing it', Bob."
  17. The 'busa colors ARE sexy. The black/red & the White/grey. Nom nom nom.
  18. Any updates? I've been reading the jalopnik coverage of it.. but I don't know if V4junkie's team has been mentioned...
  19. You ARE drunk. The Cleveland news paper and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame... on the lakefront of Lake Erie - downtown Cleveland. Ride now... you should be back home to upload the photo by the time I wake up in the morning.
  20. I want a picture of you holding today's Cleveland Plain Dealer in front of the Rock Hall on your motorcycle. That would totally earn you a gold star.
  21. Say!? No no...what are you willing to do?
  22. I'm a big famous movie director, you didn't know? Now take off your pants! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2_h7CFTMyQ
  23. I think this is what NightRider had in mind for tomorrow...
  24. ... I'm pretty sure Mj won't puke on him at least.
  25. Just went through the album... all 215 of them. Looks like you had quite the amazing day. I'm jealous - especially how badass the helicopter shots are (how much balls did it take to roll your bikes up on the platform? - I bet that was a nono ). You guys are lucky to have wonderful ladies that tag along and know how to operate a camera!
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